[governance] Fwd: Mechanism proposition

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Sat Jan 14 18:33:46 EST 2006

Thought this list would might appreciate copy of my latest msg to the  



Begin forwarded message:

> From: Robert Guerra <rguerra at lists.privaterra.org>
> Date: January 14, 2006 6:31:41 PM EST (CA)
> To: Luc Faubert <LFaubert at conceptum.ca>
> Cc: <mmwg at wsis-cs.org>
> Subject: Re: [Mmwg] Mechanism proposition
> On 13-Jan-06, at 10:39 AM, Luc Faubert wrote:
>> Inidividual representation
>> No individuals representing themselves are allowed in the forum.  
>> The forum is a place for communities of interest to negociate and  
>> decide on issues. Individuals wishing to be heard will have to  
>> either lobby a party or create their own organization and seek  
>> accreditation. The requirement of 1000 members is intended to  
>> prevent fly-by-nighters and puts an emphasis on the need to  
>> organize in order to participate in fora.
> Luc:
> I will send more comments later this weekend.
> However, at this point I want to say that I  strongly disagree with  
> your point that a min. # of 1000 members is needed.  Many of the  
> NGOs that participated in the WSIS process did not meet the  
> threshold you mention, yet they were active and caused a  
> significant and positive impact.
> Another example is WGIG - the CS members that were selected didn't  
> come from large organizations, but small ones. WGIG was seen to  
> work well, and as such is an example worth building on.
> In summary,  The forum should be as open as possible and allowing  
> groups of all size - large and small - should be a core value put  
> forward by CS.
> regards
> Robert

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