[governance] small correction & preparing EU Troika Meeting

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Fri Feb 17 05:23:37 EST 2006

hi jeanette

>We havn't coordinated anything. I think our messages to the EU should
>include that
>1. we want them to take the forum more seriously
>2. they should give up the idea that they can discuss their public
>policy principles solely among governments meeting behind closed doors
>3. human rights and freedom of expression are important cross cutting
>issues that are not sufficiently taken care of elsewhere

4. why we are concerned that the agenda will be narrowed and certain 
issues will fall off the table - they want to understand the 
motivation behind bill and milton's interventions

5. our rationale behind IGF as process, not just annual meeting, how 
it will work, resourcing, working groups etc

6. the access agenda - i think civil society has to be firmly and 
consitently supportive of pushing development orientation of the IGF 
- and not, as some have said, simply in terms of capacity building - 
i include APC's text on this issue below


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