[governance] caucus infrastructure

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Wed Feb 15 21:48:40 EST 2006


a wiki , i think would be a good tool for the caucus to me able to use 
to draft document for the meeting being held this week.

Until a more permanent solution can be agreed to - might you be find 
with setting up a space?



Danny Butt wrote:
> I'm sure others on the list (not least cpsr) have hosting  
> infrastructure they can make available, but I can offer Wiki hosting  
> (MediaWiki) if people thought that would be easier for drafting.
> Our company also has a multi-project account with Basecamp <http:// 
> www.basecamphq.com>, an excellent project management tool that  
> includes collaborative writing and versioning tools that are simple  
> to use and would seem to be useful for the work of this group in  
> setting milestones, messages, etc. I'd be happy to make a project on  
> there available as well, although I don't know if it is compatible  
> with text-only browsers.
> Regards
> Danny

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