[governance] caucus infrastructure

Danny Butt db at dannybutt.net
Wed Feb 15 20:09:35 EST 2006

I'm sure others on the list (not least cpsr) have hosting  
infrastructure they can make available, but I can offer Wiki hosting  
(MediaWiki) if people thought that would be easier for drafting.

Our company also has a multi-project account with Basecamp <http:// 
www.basecamphq.com>, an excellent project management tool that  
includes collaborative writing and versioning tools that are simple  
to use and would seem to be useful for the work of this group in  
setting milestones, messages, etc. I'd be happy to make a project on  
there available as well, although I don't know if it is compatible  
with text-only browsers.



Danny Butt
db at dannybutt.net | http://www.dannybutt.net
Suma Media Consulting | http://www.sumamedia.com
Private Bag MBE P145, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
Ph: +64 21 456 379 | Fx: +64 21 291 0200

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