[governance] individuals

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Tue Apr 25 15:45:53 EDT 2006

At 11:52 AM 25.4.2006 '?.'  -0700, Bret Fausett wrote:
>Rather than finding a way to weigh NGOs/individuals, I'd rather articulate a
>set of principles by which we can measure whether their contributions
>benefit the public interest. In other words, can we measure the merit of the
>contributions rather than the size and legitimacy of the contribitor?

That's quite difficult judgement.

Sometimes a sentence from here, and a sentence from there is more 
valualble than a paper from somewhere else.
I, for a good known reason, always believed that it's important not 
to measure contributions, but actual things DONE. My country 
delegation has stated several times on during the WSIS meetings - 
before we solve the "global" Internet Governance problem, let's see 
who did what in their own country.

So, will you try to measure ideas, actions, or results?


But on a previous topic, generally speaking, if an individual is 
good, he or she sooner or later will either create an NGO, or will 
join one. Or a government. Or a private company. Or (s)he has already 
done so. But, being a Bulgarian lawyer, I wouldn't dare to challenge 
you - an American (yet an US) lawyer on that ;)

As for measuring individuals, I think every individual here is quite 
a person with great personality! (The author is humble exception, of 
course). I don't think anyone of us would like to "measure" the 
others, and the NGOs they work for / created / represent.


>           -- Bret
>-----Original Message-----
>I have occasionally looked at NGO's and tried to put their particpation into
>perspective.  one of the questions I keep running into is how to distinguish
>between the degrees of NGO (1 person,  5, 100, 1000 people or an NGO of
>NGOs).  And more then distinguishing, how does one give appropriate weight
>to the ideas of one vis a vis the other.  Or are all NGOs equal?  and how do
>universities, or the individuals at universities fit in?
>Going a step further, if there isn't a way to discriminate between the NGO
>of many and the NGO of few, then on what basis can one exclude Individuals,
>each of whom could fill papers and become an NGO (albeit easier in some
>countries then in others).
>-----Original Message-----
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