[governance] coordinating the IGC

Lee McKnight LMcKnigh at syr.edu
Mon Apr 24 21:39:17 EDT 2006


I too support Avri's proposal with regard to the transition process, methods, and general objectives.

As to the specific outcomes or 'improved'/reformed processes on the other side of that transition, I agree with jeanette and others that it is too soon to say exactly what those will be, and how they will work.

But at least we can get from here (one consensus coordinator) to there (two co-coordinators).

And maybe even, occasionally rough consensus positions. 

Ok, I'm an optimist!


Prof. Lee W. McKnight
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
+1-315-278-4392 mobile

>>> Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp> 4/24/2006 4:28 AM >>>
And I agree with Milton - and thank Avri for 
volunteering to move things forward.

I support Avri's proposal.  Will help best I can.


At 5:30 PM -0400 4/23/06, Milton Mueller wrote:
>  >>> Avri Doria <avri at psg.com> 4/22/2006 4:58:45 PM >>>
>>What concerns me is whether there is support for going into
>>a period of transition that allows the IGC to step back and
>>consider how it  moves on.  I think that I am volunteering to
>>facilitate that transition period.  And in suggesting that the
>>co-coordinator  be picked as soon as we decide on our charter
>>and method of working I am suggesting that this new person
>>will be chosen (by some means yet to be agreed on) according
>>  to the needs of  decisions yet to be made.  I am afraid that if
>>we pick 2 co-coordinators this month we will make 
>>it more difficult to make a transition to a new organizational
>I agree with this emphatically. I think Avri's 
>original proposal is quite well thought out. She 
>occupies a shorter, bootstrapping role while we 
>get a charter in place and are able to use 
>agreed procedures to put co-coordinators in 
>place. Makes a lot of sense.
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