[governance] 26 sept - internet governance subcommittee notes

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Mon Sep 26 07:05:59 EDT 2005

26 sept - internet governance subcommittee notes


internet society (ISOC)

- suggests add/improve capacity building
- improve regulatory environment
- to use existing fora and organizations  for IG. IG already occurs  
at local, regional and intl levels
- do not believe that call for  new cooperation model is needed.
- evolutionary change from existing organizations.

- no consensus on next steps.

ICC (on behalf of cbbi)

Chair -

- first reading of the chair's text
- nothing is agreed.

- we will not open document on agreeded documents, ie. geneva documents
- suggest the following method:

* go through para by para and submit proposals/revisions


El salvador

- to make link CS on way IG should be achieved.
- would like to insert before 39, an
(to insert before 39)

recognizing  internet  is a global facility available to the public.  
good IG is a foundation for a people centred inclusive and  
development oriented IS. furthermore, as a global sciality security  
and stability should be assured.

(from the CS text?)


- why add this here?

El salvador

- there is no clear link between IG and information society towards  
development. these are things were implicit - are the reason d'etre.  
wanted to make this link clear.


- concerned with the placement of the language
- reaction by others?


- ict activities must have involvement of
- add reference so that UN specialized agencies can support the govt  

-(1)  add request , add that UN specialised financial agencies  
support ongoing efforts
- (2) unfettered access


- bangladesh, do you have any specific comments on para 39 or first  
section of the chair's text?

- another other suggestions?


- add reference to scientific and academic community to para 39


- in what stage of our work are we?
- are we just in drafting exercise and we will go along with it.

- we support the initial proposal that we stick the agreed language  
as much as possible.
- if we add new elements, then we have to enter a discussion of  
balance. let's avoid a conceptional discussion.

- suggests:

* dop 48, part of it is missing. add reference that IS is a global  

- the internet has involved as a global resource. IG should be  
multilateral, govt, cs, ps, and intl organizations.

saudi arabia / arab grp

(add to 39-42)
- add references ..to equitabile and  "non discimatary ?? access to 39


- supports el salvador proposal, in regards to the introduction
- revise it as follows..

"..furthermore, as a global facility we commit to its security and  

revised text now stands as follows:

"Recognizing  internet  is a global facility available to the public.  
good IG is a foundation for a people centred inclusive and  
development oriented IS. furthermore, as a global facility we commit  
to the its stability and security."

comment on 41-42

para 41.

(add some in regards to issues & roles & responsibilities)

- suggest that wgig report has raised and id some of the issues, and  
that it has aided us to understand some of the roles and  

- suggest this, as not all issues have been mentioned nor raised.


para 39.

- clarification on distribution of resources


- it is a generic term


- underlines that 39 is a balanced paragraph as it refers to DoP and  
principles of IG.
- nevertheless, support iran and saudi arabia's proposals

ghana (africa grp)

- reserve our comments on stakeholders until later

new zealand

- supports approach to para 39
- comment on para 40

* add secretariat to 2nd paragraph (to ack their role)

- should have mention to security and stability of the internet. from  
para 6 of wgig report.

- security and stability of the internet is of paramount importance  
(from wgig report)

el salvador

- concern that co-ordination be added as it's in DoP.
- add reference to all inclusive information society.


- let's not bombard para 39. let's keep the interventions focused


- re-interate that stay to agreeded text
- principle of stability and security of the internet (it's already  
in DoP in para 48)

- we worry about subordinating principles to others.

- if we add references to security then, we also need to add  
references to multi-lateral, democratic nature of the internet (no  
reference to multi-stakeholders...so it's only govts)

- concept from el salvador is already in DoP.

- if 39 changes from agreed text, then supports saudi propsoal


- supports el salvador & saudi
- 39: should be multi-laternal, demcratic

- supports saudi arabia: equitable and non-discriminatory nature

dom republic

- asks for clarification. need to add gender equality to the spanish  
- need to have translation so that the language used is gender balanced.
- add that refernce be added to human development


- any suggestions to the language in spanish?

- we should guarantee equality to man & woman


- supports arab group


- no providing any language

- principle shall be that we are not going to ready agreeded to in  
geneva decl of principles. this end is important.
- we should not pick and choose which principles to support and endorse
- we have 11 principles


- better to stick to previous documents

burkina faso

- para 39.

* fundamental rights to multilingualism should be added.


- there are other numeric possibilities. please, please, give us  
input on other sections

south africa

- support comments made by brazil, cuba & iran in regards to stay  
with existing agreed text

- revision to el salvador's text: need to ack

* add referecne to legimitiacy, internationalization & inclusivity


- ZA what do you mean?

south africa

- that all stake-holders are supposed to participate.
- if there is a problem with security and stability and you need to  
re-state it, then you should do the same for legitimacy,  
internationalization and inclusivity


- legitimacy is a loaded term. let's be careful

saudi arabia

- would like to support brazil's statement that we have already  
agreeded text. let's not re-open the text

- proposal:

concerns the text of para 6 of wgig report, and how it's referenced  
in pra 39 (48 in DoP).

- if we are to choose between the wgig and the DoP, then we would  
prefer that para 17

- para . IG of the document should be multi-lateral, transparent and  
democratic.. we should not say "should be multi-lateral". the geneva  
declaration is far more firm.
- suggests the spanish translation be used. take out refence to  
"should ". text should read " IG IS multi-lateral"....


- we are trying to find common ground, as such "should" is ok.


- we thought 39 as drafted was ok.
- however, the all the proposals - the para 39 is changing away from  
the aim.

- strongly supports para AS IS. however, if changes are made - we  
would agree of propso

- furthermore, if there's a strong reference to security then there  
should also be a reference to multi-lateral reference to IG (south  
african proposal)

- agree with new zealand proposal.

para 41.
- do not agree with "some" additional as suggested by USG


- para 39 has become shadow boxing for the real fight ahead


- supports 41 as is, as it comes from the mandate of the wgig (from  
the plan of action)

US response:

- agree that phase I should be used as governing text
- in regards to qualifier "some" in 41.
- the concept of "an enabling environment" is in the DoP, and not in  
the wgig report. it's is worth our attention.


- change "some" to " a number of" ..public policy issues.


- agree with chair's approach.
- does not agree with approach being taken today. as it would not  
lead to a result in the immediate future.


- support South africa and others.
- proposal that add one word "multi-lateral" to para 39 in regards to  


- will all decions be taking place in subcomittee plenary?
- there should be a balance between security and multilateralism


- speaking on behalf of CIS

- seeks clarification on 39. can you put in screen to suggest  
specific admenments

- after "the itnernet" ADD " a central element of the infrastructure  
of the information society

- after "evolve" , "scientific and academic "

these two changes would make it closer to what was proposed by WGIG  


- para 43 & 44 - comments?


- recommend :

* 43a. with regard to support to governments in development in both  
global technical norms and public policy internet

- reads as follows:

* international  organizations have developed and must continue to  
undertake an important role to support governments.

* add reference to international norms and public policy issues

43d. responsibilities here are limited. revise by adding the following..

", in addition to their current responsibilities, " - would express  
quite clearly the responsibilities of intergovernmental organizations

43a. wrt. for internet public policy issues, i

- responsibilities to support governments

resulting in

intl organizations have a responsiblity for and rights with and must  
contunue to support governemnts  in development of both global  
technical norms and international internet public policy issues


para 42

- we must forget multilateral


- para 43 in general seems to be ok as a basis for enabling us to  
come to some conclusions

- add reference to technical and scientific community (sited from  
wgig report)
- suggests that include another sub-para - f - to mention:

... the academic and technological community has made, and  should  
continue to carry out a valuable contribution tot he development and  
functioning of the internet.

el salvador

- suggests a preable to section 2

- conviction that all stakeholders, cs, business, govts should  
actively participate in a co-ordinated and commensurate way with  
respct to their respective roles & rsponilibilities

(from rio commitment)

reasoning: everyone needs to


- what is the added value to your proposal?

el salvador

- the added value . talks about co-ordination, which such be  
commensurate with the roles & responsibilities.
- we should open the door to even individuals be able to contribute


- WGIG came up with the language "respective roles of stake-holders".
- we will reflect on this further


- insert in 43e.

* international organizations including the United nations...


- on friday evening we issues a cross references document.
- from there, 43 comes from 49 of DoP. so we have a limited room to  
manover. unless we want to re-open the debate.

- we have a delicate balance.


- what does colombia exactly propose?
- would disagree with colombia's proposal.

(2) in rgeards to adding a new constituency (academic & technical  

- in geneva texts have followed comprehensive approach all possible  
stakeholders, as to who belongs to who.

- stick to DoP and not added a new stakeholder.

Senegal (african grp)

- public authorities should also play a role in the development and  

- we should be specific , the public authorities


  * role of public authorities : should add reference

[link to digital solidarity fund/ cities & local authorities]

saudi arabia

- para 43 takes up most of DoP para 49 , as such this is agreeded  
text that should be retained as is.


- para 43 is consistent with para 49 in DoP, and thus should be  

- suggests that academic and technical community be mentioned. but as  
they might be mentioned in


(1) - technical and academic communities should be recognized.  
suggests 43f, and will suggest text.

"academic , sci and tech communites have played a role....

(2) the role of CS is quite superficial vs. what in WGIG report.  
should get input from CS in this regard

(3) revision to 43bis in regards to private sector

dom republic

- endorses the uruguay proposal to add role of technical and  
scientific community
- import is the share the acquisition of knowledge.

in regards to CS

- talk about the communities. CS build capacity building

43c. add academic and scientific community to 43c (cs section).

* thus, technical and scientific




(1) uruguat chairs

public policy issues


- support wgig para 49. however if we are to look in modifying

note that para 42 already talks about multistakehodlers
- further promote dialogue between stakeholders

- support referecne to academic sector


- it is wider than community level. delete community reference


- let's stay with 43

- roles of the academic, cs & technical community. many have  
mentioned there needs to be an increased role for those communities.  
we prefer that that discussion take place in section 5.

??? (LAC country)

- 43bis : add reference to Rio commitment

3. public policy issues

- Benin

- para 45 : issue that only with single government.

- do we express a good, bad or neutral appreciation?

* we express our positive appreciation. we need to add a positive  



- don't want to dwell on para 45.

- would like to reflect the difficulties that exist.

- suggest:

*  add para 19 from WGIG report

- should list the difficulties that we have (from the wgig report)


3a. is broad and sweeping - we might come back to this

- question of overall structure

- para 57. should be moved to end of section 3a

para 45:

- recalling USG intervention on friday,. needs to be strengthened.

an insurance should be made that security & stablity of the internet  
be maintained.

saudi arabia

- restructure 3a.

para 47 & 48.

- however we do not propose any solutions. the arab group would le

3a restructure as follows:

* add a new para 45b which would be:

- we recognize the need for multilateral, transparent and transparent  
over the root server and it's development

para 48: should feature

* after further development of gtld space, and the need to guarantee  
the sovereignty of the cctlds

(add reference that cctld is a sovereignty perogative of states)

- we seek to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of IP addresses.

- remove reference in 46 to "clarification of the relationships among  
the different actors"


- 3a. is compropized of 2 parts (45 & 46), 48 refers to public policy  
issues to critical itnernet resoruces

45 & 46:

* no problem with 1st sentance
* would like to bring para 48 of wgig report in that no govt should  
have a pre-eminent role
* ask for the deletion of the rest of the paragraph (don't need to  
make a reference, yet again to security and stability)


- delete the word more
- replace "stronger" with "strong"
- delete the rest of the sentence

in regards to instrastructure:

- supports saudi arabia.
- we need to clearly support the root zone, gltld, cctld as a  
soverign right


- para 45

* important to mention some barriers and barriers to multistakeholder  
involvement . in IG

* we should add para 19 from wgig report (supporting the rusian  

- support the iranian proposal, however propose we move it to section 5


- supports rusian proposal to add para 45 (to include para 19 from  
wgig report)

- a way out to not have a long para

- perhaps use para 48, first bullet from wgig report here

para 45 - end it, with a statement that no single govt should have a  
preminent role

israel :

- supports Canadian proposal
- would not support Iranian proposal


para 45.

- revise so it reads " we express our profound appreciation"

- propose 45bis.??

- para 46

* delete "solid" before democratic and add "legitimate" instead.

- para 47

- needs to be strengthened.
- Add @ end.

...in this regard we call for the reinforcement of regional  
management institutions for the region to manage it's own internet  

.. we also recognize to further involvement of policies and procedures.
- add reference of sovereign right of states to cctlds


- APPEAL - please send detailed proposals to

wsis-contributions at itu.int


- para 46

- first sentance. there is a need to establish in this document a  
linkage between the current structures of the mangement of the  
internet and the overwhelming evidence of the growth of internet  
based on current struvutre.

- the current, more rapid growth in the development growth

- suggested revision:

- we recognize and ack the vital role played by numerous existing  
organizations in the technical management. We strive to  build on the  
current strucures that have facilitated the global growth of ithe  
internet in a secure and stable fashion.

para 47:

- in regards to cctld. let's see the saudi proposal in writting in  
regards to it.

- comemnts on uganda: there is an import role of rir's and they their  
further development and concure and support uganda's proposal.

two final points

para 46:

- want to see iranian proposal in written form

- would associate with canadian proposal and would like to see it in  

Civil Society

(adam peake)


- 3a.

agree with sovereign right of countries in regards to cctld

- supports 46, 47, 48 as proposed by iran


- agree with para 47 proposal by saudi arabia

- proposing text on root server.


- para 45 & 46 - better if moved parts to para 5
-para 47:

* ip addresses : importance of equitable allocation

- UK (EU)

- find sthat para 45 is useful balance

para 46 - supports existing wording

para 47 - seeks to ensure globally balanced distribution. can endorce  
saudi proposal

para 48 - two additions

* add technological before word "development"

new zealand

(1) supports canada on 45 & 46
(2) supports evolutionary change in mechanisms we are looking at

(3) para 46. support japan's equitable reference

para 47 in wgig report we might be able to burrow from
- let's see uganda's prposal in writting


para 46 -

[battery died - more notes to follow]

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