[governance] caucus comments: moving forward

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Fri Sep 23 06:06:32 EDT 2005

I just read the text below.

We feel uncomfortable about reacting any more strongly/specifically 
without feedback from the caucus (and others).

Please read the chair's paper and send comments 

Good morning again chair, thank you, this text it is extremely 
helpful and we look forward to the opportunity to contribute to its 
further development.

we are uncomfortable with the wording of 43 c.  and with respect to 
your comments about treading carefully about suggesting new text, 
would anyway like to give some new language for 43c.

"Civil society has played an important role on Internet matters. This 
role has ranged from capacity building at the community level to the 
contribution of much of the technological innovation and to the 
creation of much of the content that makes the Internet what it is 
today.  Civil Society should continue to play such a role. "(end of 

And with this in mind, we would like to again express our wish that 
we and all non governmental participants will be able to participate 
to the fullest extent possible in the drafting group process. Thank 


Adam & Jeanette
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