[governance] [Fwd: Fw: e-copy of paper]

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at wz-berlin.de
Fri Sep 30 07:18:52 EDT 2005


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fw: e-copy of paper
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:01:28 -0400
From: Graham, Bill: DIT <Graham.Bill at ic.gc.ca>
To: <rguerra at privaterra.org>, <jeanette at wz-berlin.de>

Here is the paper tabled by Argentina.  10 countries + likely the 
African group behind it.  If forwarding, please remove txt below, which 
I cannot do onm Blackberry.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

-----Original Message-----
From: Webmail: Graham, Bill <Graham.Bill.Web at ic.gc.ca>
To: 'jcsolines at jasolnet.com ' <jcsolines at jasolnet.com>; 
'jcsolines at yahoo.com ' <jcsolines at yahoo.com>
CC: Graham, Bill: DIT <Graham.Bill at ic.gc.ca>
Sent: Thu Sep 29 18:43:59 2005
Subject: FW: e-copy of paper


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