[governance] Amb. Khan "food for thought " document on Internet governance

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Sun Sep 4 07:58:30 EDT 2005


>A "food for thought " document prepared by Amb Khan for the Sept. 6
>informal consultations on Internet Governance.


>Mainly in the form of questions.  Does anyone have energy to try and
>answer? (I have deadlines on other things.)

maybe we could put this document into a wiki? and people can respond that 
way, whoever wants to.. we have some proposals already we can slot in..  if 
people can't access wiki's, we could just post a message here for each 
question.. and people can answer that way..

we have about 2 weeks, so if we start now we might get something solid 
ready for prepcom

i haven't thought about the questions yet, but think it would be good to 
think also about questions that are missing..

on into
when i look through the doc, one element i find missing are references to 
human rights.. along the lines of our comments in response to the WGIG.. 
that the report could have been strengthened by a broader cross-cutting HR 
framework approach.. and a reference to the overarching development 
objectives.. some references could be brought into section 5 - enabling 

on stakeholders
roles and responsibilities - greater emphasasis on the principle of shared 
responsibility, rather than regulation and control (again, could intersect 
with section 5 enabling environment)

coordination - seems a little premature unless the way it's phrased - 
assume it's referring to greater cooperation between different stakeholders 
involved in existing processes - maybe the question needs to be broken up - 
how to improve what we have, and to create what is missing..

section 5 is really rephrasing the recommendations as questions.. maybe 
there needs to be something allowing for actions to be taken around issues 
that haven't been prioritised in the final report (ie, the issues in the 
background document that are not in the final report, or emerging issues)

on the process

 >In line with the WSIS Bureau proposals on time management, Sub-Committee 
A would have nine
 >meetings of three hours duration (27 hours in total), occupying one 
half-day of each of the first
 >nine working days of PrepCom-3.

 >In line with past practice, observers (business entities, civil society 
and international
 >organizations) would be accorded a certain time (e.g., initially 15 
minutes each and later 5 minutes
 >each per session) for making contributions relevant to the topics under 
discussion during that
 >session. Unless otherwise decided, observers may be present throughout 
the work of the Sub-

i imagine this means 15 mins at the beginning, and 5 minutes at the end of 
each session.. we should ask for clarification though..

 >Small drafting groups may be created by the chair, as and when required.

we could ask to have active Civil society participant(s) in drafting 
groups, or, to participate as observers..

 >In the compilation document of comments on the WGIG report (DT/7) 
government comments
 >would be recorded first followed by observer comments (in alphabetical 
order) on each item.

 >During the work of Sub-Committee A, further compilation documents, based 
on written comments
 >submitted by delegations and observers, would be prepared, along similar 
lines to DT/7.


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