[governance] Resumed session of prepcom3 - who will be there?

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Fri Oct 14 10:18:51 EDT 2005

I will try to be there. I will have a govt badge too (Canada).

The key question at this time is - WHERE will the resumed prepcom  
take place. If I'm not mistaken the exact location in Tunisia where  
the meeting will take place has not yet been specified.

so it might be in Tunis, perhaps not....



Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra <http://www.privaterra.org>

On 14-Oct-05, at 9:53 AM, Adam Peake wrote:

> Who expects to be in Tunis, November 13-15, for the final 3 days  
> for Prepcom 3?
> We may need to ask for overpasses to get into discussions, having a
> rough idea of numbers may help.
> Tell me <ajp at glocom.ac.jp> direct rather than the list.  I'll send
> names to the list later.
> Thanks,
> Adam
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