[governance] oversight

Milton Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Fri Oct 14 06:39:51 EDT 2005

Dr. Milton Mueller
Syracuse University School of Information Studies

>>> Wolfgang Kleinwächter <wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de> 10/14/05 5:58 AM >>>
>>Is not a governmental council more dangerous within ICANN than outside it? 

>The GAC reform would include that the GAC constitutes an own legal basis, 
>outside of the ICANN bylaws but linked to ICANN via a MoU, which could 
>be part of the ICANN bylaws.

So even if this happens, we are talking about re-negotiating the role(s) of governments in ICANN. And does this not raise all the same issues as the EU-proposed Council? 

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