[governance] Sense of the Senate Resolution

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Thu Oct 20 08:28:25 EDT 2005


The sense of the senate resolution is a clear indication of one thing  
- that politicians  in the US are altered to the fact that  
discussions are taking place on the issue of internet governance.

The fact that the resolution comes from the senate and from a  
conservative should not be lost.  Perhaps due to the administration,  
or press - or both - we likely find ourselves in a situation that the  
US position is far firmer, and much less flexible than we had at PC3.

In summary:

- lowered expectations :  The EU, Brazil and others - is they are  
smart enough, should have known this was a possibility. As a  
consequence are expectations set so low that any result is a success?

- Neocon's altered: Let me remind everyone of Bill Drake's earlier  
posting. One where he pointed out the complications of getting the  
neocons alerted & mobilized...

- So how does this WG wish to respond. Does it wish to accept the  
reality that the USG position is firmer and accept it, try to  
mediate, or ignore and go on pushing for internalization. Can the  
forum save things...?

> From: "William Drake" <wdrake at cpsr.org>
> Date: August 26, 2005 4:15:10 AM EDT (CA)
> To: "Governance " <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
> Subject: Re: [governance] From the Christian Coalition "action  
> alert", 8-20-05
> Reply-To: wdrake at ictsd.ch
> Milton,
> Private responses suggest otherwise.  I suspect people simply don't  
> feel
> motivated to prolonge a thread here, so we can let it drop.  One last
> comment, though.  It's not because I'm an expat; precisely the  
> opposite.
> Eight years in Washington, including working at a foreign policy think
> tank, gave me a lot of clos exposure to how the US far right works.
> They're like Chinese foreign policy---long-term in outlook,  
> methodical in
> build-up.  It's just a question of figuring out which seemingly  
> innocuous
> statements are actually the opening salvos of a wider effort to  
> come.  In
> 1999, I had the distinctly eerie experience of having lunch with a  
> leading
> neocon thinker who told me that when the Republicans get back into the
> White House, "first we'll do Iraq, then we'll do Iran, then we'll  
> do North
> Korea."  I mistakenly thought he was indulging a mid-day fantasy.  My
> antenna's a bit more sensitive now (the subsequent evaporation of  
> steps 2
> and 3 notwithstanding).
> Best,
> Bill



Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra <http://www.privaterra.org>

On 20-Oct-05, at 7:13 AM, Adam Peake wrote:

> Danny, hello.
> At 8:24 AM -0700 10/19/05, Danny Younger wrote:
>> October 17th, 2005 - Washington, D.C.— - Senator Norm
>> Coleman today introduced a Sense of the Senate
>> Resolution to protect the U.S.’s historic role in
>> overseeing the operations of the Internet from an
>> effort to transfer control over the unprecedented
>> communications and informational medium to the U.N. A
>> final report issued by the United Nations’ Working
>> Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) this past July
>> recommended that the U.N. assume global governance of
>> the Internet.
>> The rest of the press release may be read here:
>> http://coleman.senate.gov/index.cfm? 
>> FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressRelease_id=764

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