[governance] Universities & emancipation of knowledge over power

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Wed Oct 19 09:37:32 EDT 2005

there is much work ahead of us in order to get ready and prepare for  
the upcoming negotiations (less than a month from now). As mentioned  
earlier, it would be good to have a strategy and position before then..

Other issues being mentioned on this list are indeed welcome, but  
perhaps not focused on the specific work that needs to be done. They  
are broader in scope and require more time. Not everyone has that  
luxury now.

There are other wsis working groups where, without a doubt - input  
and discussions on these issues would be most welcome as well. Please  
see -  http://www.wsis-cs.org/caucuses.html



On 19-Oct-05, at 9:22 AM, Max Senges wrote:

> Dear all
> Cosmopolitan Citizenship
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> -----
> The technological platform will always change but what should be  
> consistent
> is the open humanitarian spirit of cyberspace. Therefore I believe (as
> outlined in my last mail) it is important to develop Civil  
> Societies vision
> of the social interaction space and discuss how international  
> discourse can
> be organised.
> Role of universities
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----
> Let me elaborate one moment on the role of universities in  
> particular: “the
> university has entered the transformative project of modernity”  
> After the
> critiques of Habermas, Marcuse and Touraine, the university needs  
> to become
> the zone of engagement between power and knowledge, politics and  
> culture.
> (Challenging Knowledge: The university in the knowledge society,  
> Delanty
> 2001: 73)
> With more and more people participating in higher education, the  
> reach and
> influence of universities is enormous. It is not a social  
> revolution which
> is needed (as intended by the actors of the student movement of the  
> 60' and
> 70'), but universities should be the site for discussion and  
> reflection and
> possible the fertile ground for the emergence and communication of  
> a vision
> and ideals for the 21. century.
> Max

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