[governance] oversight

Danny Butt db at dannybutt.net
Wed Oct 19 07:06:01 EDT 2005

Late to this but just to say I support Adam's text on oversight -  
with thanks.

I'm also not sure that I agree with Laina's suggestion that there  
needs to be timelines to prevent it from being vaporware. As I read  
it the goal is not to have our plan adopted outright (well, that  
would be nice but it will never happen), but to have our language and  
goals adopted in whatever decisions are made going forward. In my  
experience, dates just provide people an excuse to ignore the  
substantive points ("these timelines are totally unreasonable, we  
can't do this").



On 19/10/2005, at 1:43 AM, Adam Peake wrote:

> "Appropriate commitments by a host government
> should provide privileges and immunities to ICANN
> to ensure that it is able to provide global
> service in accordance with its bylaws and
> mission. Such binding commitments should ensure
> that:
> * decisions taken by ICANN cannot be overturned by any single  
> government;
> * all countries and stakeholders have the
> opportunity to access the resources managed by
> ICANN and its related entities;
> * ICANN is able to enter into commercial and
> other agreements in keeping with requirements of
> its bylaws and mission, enabling it to provide
> and receive DNS services globally, and
> * all stakeholders have the opportunity to
> participate in ICANN's Internet governance
> processes, without being affected by the policies
> of any single government."

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