[governance] Civil Society Declaration on Internet Governance[revised text]

Parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Thu Dec 1 01:21:40 EST 2005

Izumi wrote:
I have some problem of putting:
 "how core IG functions   like DNS management, IP address allocation etc
are carried out and their linkages with broader IG issues like cyber-crime,
Intellectual Property Rights, eCommerce, e-government, human rights and
promoting development"

While I do not deny that there are certain linkages between DNS/IP
allocation and
cyber-crime, IPR etc, these resource management is not the only or the
factors of these policy issues. So using the word "linkage" is troublesome
to me,
it gives an impression that these resource management is the core issue of
cyber crime etc.

I don’t think that the word ‘linkage’ signifies that these resource
management and allied issues are core issues in cyber-crime (I do not
believe they are). It only means that there are some important linkages
here. I think, the issue goes back to the wider issues which we have
discussed a few times on the list about the linkages between the
‘narrower’ and ‘broader’ IG functions/issues. And this is again an issue
of ‘principle’ that we need to agree or dis-agree upon. And this
‘principle’ is at the bottom of many IG related discussions. But if the
present formulation still does look like it implies these issues are core
issues in cyber crime etc - you may think of replacing

‘ …and their linkages with….’

with a more tentative

‘…… what linkages these functions have with….’ .

And so the line will now read

"how core IG functions   like DNS management, IP address allocation etc
are carried out and what linkages these function have with broader IG issues
like cyber-crime, Intellectual Property Rights, eCommerce, e-government,
human rights and promoting development"

I also have problem in understanding why we need to state:
"and various CS groups and other social actors in specific"

I am not against this per se, but I cannot understand why we need that and
appreciate if you could explain.

I also have some doubt on the original text:
"it is necessary for people who use the Internet understand how the DNS is

Do ordinary people who use the Internet really need to understand how DNS
I am not so sure. The intention of this para is, to me, that people who care
the public policy issues of the Internet who will participate the IGF
process should have basic understanding of these functions, be they CS or
government or others.
If that is the intention, I like to see it in clear language.

It is precisely because the original text "it is necessary for people who
use the Internet understand how the DNS is functioning..." looked
problematic, I made it more general about public awareness, and added that
specific social advocacy/policy actors need to be more aware.

That is why the phrase  --   "and various CS groups and other social actors
in specific"

I can try and improve it to read

To ensure that development of the Internet and its governance takes place in
public interest, it is important for people in general, and more
specifically, various CS groups and other social actors interested in policy
and advocacy, to understand better how core IG functions - like DNS
management, IP address allocation etc - are carried out and what linkages
these functions have with broader IG issues like cyber-crime, Intellectual
Property Rights, eCommerce, e-government, human rights and promoting
development. The responsibility of creating such awareness should be shared
by everyone, including those at present involved in the governance and
development of the Internet.

As I said earlier I did not contribute the original text, but I am trying to
read the intentions of the original contributors and suggesting text - since
I strongly agree with the meaning I read in it - which is that IG function
are important public policy issues, and the way they are carried out impact
our lives in many direct and indirect ways. And that this impact is going to
increase exponentially - and therefore it is important that there is greater
public awareness of these issues - and the explicit and implicit connections
that they have to different areas of policy that interest all of us. I think
such a view is at the very foundation of what we all are trying to do here -
in the IG caucus, and IG advocacies outside IG caucus.


Thanks, and sorry for the last-minute intervention, but I really appreciate
your efforts.


At 22:15 05/11/30 +0530, Parminder wrote:

On the para 6 of Bill's draft....

To ensure that Internet governance and development take place in the public
interest, it is necessary for people who use the Internet understand how the
DNS is functioning, how IP addresses are allocated, what basic legal
instruments exist in fields like cyber-crime, Intellectual Property Rights,
eCommerce, e-government, and human rights.
  Therefore the ongoing creation of public awareness is the responsibility
of everyone involved in the governance and development of the Internet and
emerging information and communication platforms.

and Bill痴 discomfort with it・.

>>> I still think para 6 is pretty orthogonal to the
issues on the table and, by extension, all the position statements we've
made (can imagine government people asking, what's your point here), and
that it would be better moved to a section on info society generally, but

It is my understanding that the intention of the drafters is to make the
connections between what is generally seen as core IG functions, and various
issues that people see as direclty connected to their lives. Creating
greater public awareness ・or at least more widespread awareness among
various actors - of these connections will draw all constituencies and
interests in IG debates which can ensure that development of Internet and
its governance takes place in public interest.

I think that this is an important issue for the CS to stand for and

However, I see scope for making the issues cleaer in the above text, and
propose the following langauge.

To ensure that development of the Internet and its governance takes place in
public interest, it is important for people in general, and various CS
groups and other social actors in specific, to understand better how core IG
functions ・like DNS management, IP address allocation etc ・are carried out
and their linkages with broader IG issues like cyber-crime, Intellectual
Property Rights, eCommerce, e-government, human rights and promoting
development. The responsibility of creating such awareness should be shared
by everyone, including those at present involved in the governance and
development of the Internet.


-----Original Message-----
From: governance-bounces at lists.cpsr.org [
<mailto:governance-bounces at lists.cpsr.org>  mailto:governance-bounces at lists.
cpsr.org] On Behalf Of William Drake
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:42 PM
To: Governance
Subject: Re: [governance] Civil Society Declaration on Internet Governance
[revised text]

Good morning Ralph,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: governance-bounces at lists.cpsr.org
> [ <mailto:governance-bounces at lists.cpsr.org>
mailto:governance-bounces at lists.cpsr.org]On Behalf Of Ralf Bendrath

> --> I will check back later tonight if there is an agreement on the IG
> part. Would be glad if I can just copy&paste and replace the text below.

As you know, the text has evolved and a bunch of people have weighed in,
so please don't use the old text you copyedited, which the caucus never
discussed and agreed.  We of course don't have clear and fixed procedures
in place to reach closure, but perhaps once the text seems stable Adam or
Jeanette can issue a 'last call' for objections from Vancouver.

> --> We also need a para from this caucus for the last part "IV. Where to
> go from here ・our Tunis commitment":
> "Element two:
> How CS is going to structure itself to engage with the IG forum [wait for
> outcome of IG caucus meeting ・whether a specific WG would be setup to
> make recommendations on the modalities of functioning of the
> future IG forum]"

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