[governance] Reactions to the WGIG report

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Mon Aug 22 12:09:06 EDT 2005

(got cut off the first time I sent this - am resending and posting to  
my blog)


I spent part of the weekend reading through the numerous written  
contributions that have been sent in response to the WGIG report.

Numerous comments have been posted to the Internet Governance Caucus  
list over the past few days comments related to the US position, and  
the xxx domain name issue. The US is an important actor, that's for  
sure. But there are others too... What do people think of the  
comments being put forward by Rwanda, Israel, Egypt and of course -  
Canada ?

Though i'm only 3/4 of  the way through the texts, three things  
strike me.

1. Only a  small # of the contributions are by governments. No doubt  
there will be more at the Prepcom itself.

2. Certain governments, are quite insistent that the Prepcom not lose  
it's focus;  that it keep on the   specific mandate and agenda given  
to it by the first phase, as well as UN General Assembly resolution  
56/183. Though there are many issues that could be discussed,  the  
mandate from the general assembly  (GA) is specific -  WSIS should be  
about "promoting and foster the potential of ICTs for development."

3. The IG caucus contribution stands up well. Best of all, it is in a  
format that will make it easier for those on Subcommittee A to review  
and borrow from.

Time permitting, I'll try to develop a table that compares all the  
different positions. Would anyone be interested in helping me with this?



Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra <http://www.privaterra.org>

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