[governance] Starting the planning for Prepcom 3

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Aug 22 10:37:01 EDT 2005

Robert Guerra wrote:
> The larger question is how to co-ordinate all of this? Is there an  
> existing "reporting group", if not, can a specific PrepCom III adhoc  
> group be created for this?

As I mentioned, I guess Jane Johnsen from the UN Association of Danmark 
will again coordinate the volunteer reporting team that will observe and 
digest the whole official debate. They did a good job last time, but 
certainly can need more volunteers and a bit of techie expertise to speed 
things up. I will be in Copenhagen the week before the PrepCom starts and 
will try to talk to her about it.

I am not such a big fan of audio recordings. It takes forever to listen to 
them, and if you really are offsite and have so much time, you better 
listen to the ITU live stream and type down the important parts for all 
the others. Of course, for the sake of transparency, it would be good to 
also have recordings of closed sessions and CS events / meetings, but a 
nicely typed-down transcript is much easier to use and disseminate.

Should we move this discussion to the plenary list? Or wait until Rik is 
back from Cuba and start planning in a smaller ad-hoc group?

Best, Ralf
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