[governance] On CS I'net Gov. Caucus Response

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Sun Aug 14 13:33:15 EDT 2005


The issue of article 19, and making sure it is referenced in as  
strong a way as possible also came up during the WSIS Civil society  
meetings we had here in Canada this past may. IFEX, RSF, PEN and  
insisted on this. To address their concern we not only sited article  
19, but spelled it out :

... Participants underlined the importance of the Universal  
Declaration of Human Rights which outlines the rights of every  
individual, and, in particular, Article 19: "Everyone has the right  
to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to  
hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart  
information and ideas through any media and regardless of  
frontiers." ...

Source : http://www.unesco.ca/en/activity/culture/documents/ 

As for the CS governance "response" document, we might also want to  
spell out Art. 19 - but where is a good place to put it? I'll leave  
that for you to suggest :)



Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra <http://www.privaterra.org>

On 14-Aug-05, at 6:39 AM, Ronald Koven wrote:

> Dear Karen and All --
> On the paper that Karen Banks has so helpfully put together, I  
> suggest:
> 1.      That it is a major mistake (in paras 9 b. and c.) to give  
> equal
> weight to Article 19 and to Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of
> Human Rights. Article 19 is the world's free speech/free press  
> proviso.
> Article 29 is the weasel-worded provision to allow authoritarians  
> to wiggle
> out of their Article 19 obligations.
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