No subject

Thu Jan 13 08:49:26 EST 2022

with some thematic lists on IG, we have managed to draft this short and
direct statement to president Dilma in support of her speech at UNGA.

We had/have a time constraint, as it is meant to be delivered personally to
the president tomorrow morning by our dear Carlos Afonso. So I'm sorry if
this is popping up in your inbox as something already closed for more

It is* now* *open for endorsements here:*

(Note that, to avoid spam, the platform will send you a confirmation email
to you inbox. Please, do not forget to confirm so your name will show up in
the endorsements list)

I (and, I believe, everyone that kindly contributed in such a short period
of time) fully encourage you/your organization to support it and spread the
link as widely as possible. Having a diverse list of endorsers would be
very important for helping Marco Civil to be approved and for straightening political position in our national scenario, which also sets some
interesting standards for internet policy procedures/principles worldwide.

Our deadline for signatures for the version to be delivered tomorrow to the
president is *today (Thursday, 26th) at 22:00 (Brazilian time).  *The
statement is also copied below.

Thanks a lot for all the contributions and efforts in such a sort period of

all the best


Letter from International Civil Society Organizations to President Dilma
Rousseff in support of her statement at the 68th Session of the UNGA

Your Excellency,

We, the undersigned organizations and individuals from around the world,
committed to the development of the Internet and its use for advancing
social and economic justice, would like to express our strong support for
the statement delivered this week by your Excellency at the 68th Session of
the United Nations General Assembly. We commend you for taking a leading
role on these issues and would like to:

   1. Fully endorse the five principles enunciated on the occasion, in
   clear accordance with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee=92s
   Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet.
   2. Stress the importance of the timely adoption of the Brazilian Draft
   Bill of Internet Rights (Marco Civil da Internet) in a way that upholds
   these principles and endorses the innovative and democratic process in
   which it was conceived.
   3. Commend the courage of Brazil in expressing disapproval and demanding
   explanations from the USA about the procedures of illegal interception of
   information and data, framing it as a grave violation of human rights and
   of civil liberties
   4. Reinforce our support for the Brazilian multistakeholder model for
   Internet governance led by

We express our deep appreciation for your serious commitment to social
justice and development, of which an open, stable, and reliable Internet is
a fundamental pillar.


Joana Varon Ferraz
PGP 0x016B8E73

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<div dir=3D"ltr"><div><div><div>Dear all, <br><br></div>From yesterday afte=
rnoon and through out the night, after several exchanges with some thematic=
 lists on IG, we have managed to draft this short and direct statement to p=
resident Dilma in support of her speech at UNGA. <br>

</div></div><div><br>We had/have a time constraint, as it is meant to be de=
livered personally to the president tomorrow morning by our dear Carlos Afo=
nso. So I'm sorry if this is popping up in your inbox as something alre=
ady closed for more comments.=A0 <br>

<br>It is<b> now</b> <b>open for endorsements here:</b> <a href=3D"http://b="></a> <br></di=
v><div><br><span style=3D"color:rgb(255,0,0)">(Note that, to avoid spam, th=
e platform will send you a confirmation email to you inbox. Please, do not =
forget to confirm so your name will show up in the endorsements list)<br>

</span></div><div><br>I (and, I believe, everyone that kindly contributed i=
n such a short period of time) fully encourage you/your organization to sup=
port it and spread the link as widely as possible. Having a diverse list of=
 endorsers would be very important for helping Marco Civil to be approved a=
nd for straightening political position in our national scenario, wh=
ich also sets some interesting standards for internet policy procedures/pri=
nciples worldwide.<br>

<br></div><div>Our deadline for signatures for the version to be delivered =
tomorrow to the president is <b>today (Thursday, 26th) at 22:00 (Brazilian =
time).=A0 </b>The statement is also copied below. <br><br></div><div>Thanks=
 a lot for all the contributions and efforts in such a sort period of time.=

<br>all the best<br><br>joana<br clear=3D"all"></div><div><div><div><div><d=
iv><br>-- <font><br></font><h1 class=3D""><font>Letter from International C=
ivil Society=20
Organizations to President Dilma Rousseff in support of her statement at
 the 68th Session of the UNGA</font></h1><p>Your Excellency, <br></p><p>We,=
 the undersigned organizations and individuals=20
from around the world, committed to the development of the Internet and=20
its use for advancing social and economic justice, would like to express
 our strong support for the statement delivered this week by your=20
Excellency at the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.=20
We commend you for taking a leading role on these issues and would like=20
<ol><li>Fully endorse the five principles enunciated on the occasion, in=20
clear accordance with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee=92s=20
Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet.</li><li>Stress the i=
mportance of the timely adoption of the Brazilian Draft=20
Bill of Internet Rights (Marco Civil da Internet) in a way that upholds=20
these principles and endorses the innovative and democratic process in whic=
h it was conceived.<br></li><li>Commend the courage of Brazil in expressing=
 disapproval and=20
demanding explanations from the USA about the procedures of illegal=20
interception of information and data, framing it as a grave violation of
 human rights and of civil liberties</li><li>Reinforce our support for the =
Brazilian multistakeholder model for Internet governance led by</li=
We express our deep appreciation for your serious commitment to=20
social justice and development, of which an open, stable, and reliable=20
Internet is a fundamental pillar.=20
					<br><br>-- <br><br>Joana Varon Ferraz<br>@joana_varon<br>PGP 0x016B8E7=


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