[bestbits] Opportunity at PI - Campaigns Officer

Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion alex at privacyinternational.org
Tue Apr 23 13:29:41 EDT 2019


With the application deadline later this week, I just wanted to flag
that Privacy International is looking to hire a Campaigns Officer.

+ Location: London, United Kingdom
+ Deadline: Thursday, 25 April 2019 at 23:59 BST
+ Full description and application details:

Thank you for sharing.



Ms. Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion 

Lead - Global Programme
Privacy International
62 Britton Street
London, EC1M 5UY
United Kingdom
E: alex at privacyinternational.org 
W: www.privacyinternational.org  
T: +44 (0) 203 422 4321 
Skype: alexpdec.pi

Privacy International is a registered charity (No. 1147471)

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