[bestbits] Argentina bars NGOs, civil society from attending WTO conference

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 14:44:18 EST 2017

It's really incredible

Civil Society is "disruptive and violent" according to Argentina government


On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> wrote:
> Further to this topic of civil society disaccreditation for the WTO
> Ministerial... here's a TV interview which puts these developments into
> context, with an IMO quite brilliant explanation (by Deborah James) of
> what is going on at the WTO and why this issue of disaccreditation
> matters so much.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR5solRTa8A
> (Also see the Our World Is Not For Sale website
> http://ourworldisnotforsale.net )
> Nota bene, this disaccreditation issue in not about civil society being
> blocked from formal participation in the substantive discourse (that
> was never possible at WTO in the first place, see the Call for Openness
> and Transparency in Rulemaking for the Internet in regard to that:
> wto-ic.justnetcoalition.org ), but about civil society being even
> denied the opportunity to meet with the decision-makers.
> This is as if citizens and civil society organizations were suddenly
> denied all opportunities for meeting with members of parliament, for
> reasons that citizens and civil society organizations have interests
> and concerns which are at odds with those of multinational corporations!
> Greetings,
> Norbert
> On Fri, 1 Dec 2017 14:41:57 +0100
> Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 15:28:49 -0300
>> Renata Aquino Ribeiro <raquino at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > A list of a few of the 31 denied accreditation is here
>> >
>> > http://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/in-a-bizarre-move-argentina-bars-ngos-civil-society-from-attending-wto-conference-59254
>> >
>> > Apparently the number keeps going up and could have doubled
>> > already
>> Indeed. The “Our World is not for Sale” (OWINFS) network is reporting
>> that they know of 63 civil society folks who had already been
>> accredited by WTO, but who are now rejected by Argentia.
>> http://ourworldisnotforsale.net/
>> Greetings,
>> Norbert
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