[bestbits] Fwd: [Outreach_com_2015] Registration for IGF 2016 Now Open!

Lea Kaspar lea at gp-digital.org
Fri Sep 23 07:52:29 EDT 2016

Dear all,

Please note that *the registration process for IGF 2016 is now open*. The
official info from the IGF Secretariat is below.

Best wishes,

*Lea Kaspar*


Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IGF <IGF at unog.ch>
Date: Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 12:41 PM
Subject: [Outreach_com_2015] Registration for IGF 2016 Now Open!
To: dc at intgovforum.org, intersessional_2015 at intgovforum.org,
outreach_com_2015 at intgovforum.org

Kind Colleagues,

The Secretariat is pleased to inform you that *registration for IGF 2016*
has now opened.

The registration form is available *here*
as well as the* invitation from UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and
Social Affairs, Mr. Wu Hongbo*
More details are posted on our homepage at intgovforum.org.

As a reminder, the Secretariat is also welcoming *registration of remote
until 5 October.*

Please spread the word through your respective communities! *All are
welcome to participate in the IGF.*

Looking forward to seeing you in Guadalajara,

Very best,
IGF Secretariat Team

Outreach_com_2015 mailing list
Outreach_com_2015 at intgovforum.org
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