[bestbits] [Internet Policy] Fwd: Preparing for the End of Consumer Society
willi uebelherr
willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Thu Nov 24 17:13:12 EST 2016
Dear Brandt,
i thank you very much for your fantastic response. Independent, that you
think, it will be a little "Off Topic".
"... as I doubt you are suggesting the Internet Society should devote
itself to global revolution".
Never this is my goal. This have two causes:
- Never we can move people to any social actions. This in principle have
to come from the people itself, based on her experience, understanding
and perspectives. I act in principle for autonomous subjects in all
spheres of her/our life.
- evolution and revolution
For me, this is a dialectical sisterpair. Our basic activities are
always evolutionary. This means, we act on step by step. We know, that
every evolution is not a smooth function. It consist on steps. The
ripening (die Reifung).
But if we are blocked on our evolutionary way, we change to the
revolutionary action. We destroy or dissolve the blockade. Then, if we
have the free way or space, we switch back to the evolutionary activities.
This understanding is for me central. And we see in our history the lack
of understanding.
We can say, the strong neo-liberalism reorganisation of so many
societies is this revolutionary activity in his specific direction. And
now the people are totally confused.
But we should always be clear, that all our discussion, reflection,
study, design and constructions are evolutionary activities. There is no
jump to an higher level possible as to go step by step.
with many thanks and greetings, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay
On 24/11/2016 17:21, Brandt Dainow wrote:
> I think this is a little off topic, as I doubt you are suggesting the Internet Society should devote itself to global revolution. However, I think Q'ero philosophy is profound, so I'll take this moment to spread a little Inka thought. I wonder, Willi, if you have considered the possibilities of just a basic Ayni Kawsay instead of going for more? I think a basic respect for ayni would handle most issues you are concerned with. If all people practiced ayni, there would be no such thing as elitist actions, even in elitist systems.
> For anyone left reading "ayni" = "reciprocity" and "kawsay" = life or living, in Quechan, the original language of the Inka Empire, still spoken by tens of millions in the old Inka territories, and once the language which made you eligible for "P'aqo" (or noble) status in the Inka Empire. The philosophy of ayni is more subtle than the concept of karma, but reflects the idea that your actions will inevitably have consequences. It's closer to systems thinking with feedback and loops, etc. However, ayni then branches into the concepts of yasantin and masintin, which examine the same dialectics as one would find in Hegel, but sees not opposition but a creative dynamism (called "tinkuy"). It's a very profound philosophy which resolves a number of difficulties extant in Western Philosophy, but poorly documented as yet.
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