[bestbits] Announcing: Pakistan Country IGF

Yannis Li yannis at registry.asia
Sat Feb 20 22:49:09 EST 2016

Congratulations Sadaf.

Great to have one more local initiatives running in the Asia region. Would hope to have that discussion also feedback to the Asia Pacific Regional IGF too. 

Happy to contribute any experience that we can lend from the APrIGF as well as on the youth engagement part.


On 21 Feb 2016, at 4:52 AM, Mishi Choudhary <mishi at softwarefreedom.org> wrote:

Congratulations!  Please let us know how can we help.

P.S. You are way ahead of us in your neighborhood who have a MAG but no
Indian IGF.

On 02/19/2016 06:23 AM, Lea Kaspar wrote:
> Dear Sadaf, 
> Congrats for this initiative and thank you for sharing. It's great to
> see further proliferation of national IGFs across the world. I'm
> assuming this is on the radar of the IGF Secretariat? It's important for
> these initiatives to feed back into the global IGF and there are a
> number of IGF MAG members have been actively involved in making this
> link more relevant and robust. My personal experience in national IGFs
> is limited to the UK example, but I know there are others on the MAG who
> would be more than happy to provide guidance and advice. Let me know if
> you would like me to forward this info to the MAG list.
> Best and good luck!
> *Lea Kaspar*
> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL
> T: +44 (0)20 3818 3258 | M: +44 (0)7583 929216
> gp-digital.org <http://gp-digital.org/>
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Sadaf Khan <sadaf.baig03 at gmail.com
> <mailto:sadaf.baig03 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>    Dear All, 
>    We are very happy to announce that we are planning to initiate
>    *Pakistan Country Internet Governance Forum* this year. We hope to
>    organize first yearly event in September 2016. 
>    Several civil society organizations including Media Matters for
>    Democracy, Bytes for All, Pakistan and Internet Policy Observatory
>    of Pakistan (IPOP) and other relevant stakeholders are collaborating
>    for this purpose. PakIGF is going to be a collaborative
>    multi-stakeholder effort. While we already have ICANN onboard, we
>    are reaching out to several international organizations, local
>    universities, government authorities and other institutions seeking
>    collaborations and support to organize Pakistan Country IGF. A
>    Multi-stakehodler Advisory Group (MAG) will be announced by the end
>    of March 2016. The event website will soon be live on www.pakigf.pk
>    <http://www.pakigf.pk/>.
>    We will be keeping everyone in the loop and welcome ideas and
>    feedback from other organisations who have arranged national IGFs in
>    other countries to make sure that we can arrange an event that
>    successfully enriches the internet governance policy debates in
>    Pakistan.
>    With Regards,
>    *Sadaf Khan*
>    *Director Programs*
>    *Media Matters for Democracy *
>    mediamatters.pk <http://mediamatters.pk> | mediamatterspakistan.org
>    <http://mediamatterspakistan.org>|@mmfd_pak
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Warm Regards
Mishi Choudhary, Esq.
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Yannis Li
DotAsia Organisation Ltd.
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