[bestbits] Update: Indian Encryption Policy

Anja Kovacs anja at internetdemocracy.in
Wed Sep 23 01:15:36 EDT 2015

I'd be interested in joining such a call of it happens. Please keep me


On 23 September 2015 at 00:31, Raman Jit Singh Chima <raman at accessnow.org>

> I think its a good idea to see what we can do to further more coordination
> and advocacy on this front globally amongst the groups that are interested.
> From Access, we have been trying to work on a global effort to push on
> positive crypto policy - and the India developments over the last few days
> saw lots of public and press interest on this which we should support.
> I would like to suggest that people interested in this join together in a
> call early next week - to share information and see what needs to be kept
> in mind for India as well as a larger global effort on advancing a secure
> Internet and pushing back against weakening encryption.
> Raman.
> Amy Hess of the FBI appeared at a CSM event last week arguing forcefully
> for not back doors per se, but "solutions".
> https://livestream.com/internetsociety/encryptiondebate/videos/99393023
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -
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Dr. Anja Kovacs
The Internet Democracy Project

+91 9899028053 | @anjakovacs
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