[bestbits] Report of WSIS+10 review proceedings in New York

Chinmayi Arun chinmayiarun at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 14:30:16 EDT 2015

Dear All,

Here are links to CCG's coverage of the WSIS+10 review in New York. Puneeth
Nagaraj has been attending on our behalf and has shared/ written up the

2nd Preparatory Meeting of WSIS+10 Review: Summary of Day 1
EU, US, G77+China and Latin American & Carribean States)
2nd Preparatory Meeting of WSIS+10 Review: Summary of ICT4D Discussions on
Day 2
South Africa, the EU and the US)

Indian government's statements
WSIS+10 Zero Draft: Highlights from India’s Statement at the 2nd
Preparatory Meeting
1 of 2)
India’s Statements on Day 2 of the 2nd Preparatory Meeting of the WSIS
2 of 2)

We hope that this is useful to you and welcome your feedback on how we can
improve our reporting.
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