[bestbits] update on Brazilian activists

Carlos Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Wed Nov 11 10:49:51 EST 2015

I do hope they do not. This caused a huge problem for all of us (civil
society here at the IGF). We had (event organizers, the BR gov, CGI.br)
a very hard time to have the UN revert the decision to reinstate the
credentials and not to suspend others.

Now the UN is checking bags for "harmful or suspicious" content.

There are several forms of advocacy and manifestation, and some may do
more harm than good. Unfortunately this was one case.

Strangely enough, the rules are published in the IGF page (FAQs
section), and some CS people argued they did not know the rules because
they were not published.

fraternal regards


On 11-11-15 12:32, Felipe Sanches wrote:
> Now I hope they raise their banners again :-)
> "Paz sem voz é medo" (Peace without voice is fear)
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 12:32 PM, Renata Aquino Ribeiro
> <raquino at gmail.com <mailto:raquino at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Update on Brazilian activists banned from #IGF2015 Their badge has
>     been returned! UN has reconsidered the issue, thanks to all who
>     contributed w/ the negotiation
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Carlos A. Afonso
Instituto Nupef - https://nupef.org.br
CGI.br - http://cgi.br

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