[bestbits] Final letter to Zuckerberg re: Internet.org

Julian Casasbuenas G. julian at colnodo.apc.org
Tue May 12 10:39:29 EDT 2015


We agree with Carlos comments and Colnodo from Colombia wants also to
endorse the letter,


Julián Casasbuenas G.
Director Colnodo

El 12/05/15 a las 07:49, Carlos A. Afonso escibió:
> Hi, Instituto Nupef in Rio de Janeiro endorses it. It would be great if
> the letter had a paragraph in the introductory part reminding Mr
> Zuckerberg that it is precisely because of the open, non-discriminatory
> nature of the Internet that people like him managed to innovate and
> create initiatives such as Google, Facebook, Twitter etc etc. His
> company should not contribute to close this door to free innovation now.
> fraternal regards
> --c.a.
> Carlos A. Afonso
> Instituto Nupef
> www.nupef.org.br
> On 05/11/2015 05:34 PM, Josh Levy wrote:
>> Apologies - letter attached.
>> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Levy <josh at accessnow.org
>> <mailto:josh at accessnow.org>> wrote:
>>     Hi all - we've had some great input from a number of people over the
>>     last few days, and we've incorporated it all into (yet another)
>>     draft of our open letter to Mark Zuckerberg on zero rating, attached.
>>     As you'll see, the substance is mostly unchanged. Here's what we did:
>>       * Moved some text around to make it flow better
>>       * Added some language about "equality of opportunity" the problems
>>         of a two-tiered Internet
>>       * Fixed a few typos and problems of clarity
>>     We'd like folks to consider this current text as *final *minus any
>>     glaring problems. To allow for more groups to sign (including many
>>     in India, who are just now seeing the final text) *we're now closing
>>     this up tomorrow (Tuesday) at COB EST.
>>     *
>>     *Please review the letter and let me know if you can sign*. If your
>>     organization has already signed and is uncomfortable with any
>>     changes, please let me know.
>>     Once this is live, I encourage you to publicize it through social
>>     media and by blog, and to articulate your reason for getting behind
>>     the language - which will also give you an opportunity to voice
>>     criticisms not included in the letter.
>>     Current list of signers below: 
>>     Access	Global
>>     Popular Resistance	US
>>     RootsAction.org
>>     <https://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2FRootsAction.org>	US
>>     Future of Music Coalition	US
>>     OpenMedia	Canada
>>     The Media Consortium	US
>>     Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic
>>     (CIPPIC)	Canada
>>     Bits of Freedom	Netherlands
>>     Initiative für Netzfreiheit	Austria
>>     IT-Pol Denmark	Denmark
>>     European Digital Rights (EDRi)	EU
>>     ColorofChange.org
>>     <https://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2FColorofChange.org>	US
>>     xnet	Spain
>>     The Heliopolis Institute	Egypt
>>     Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum	Zimbabwe
>>     Digital Rights Foundation 	Pakistan
>>     Korean Progressive Network Jinbonet	South Korea
>>     Movimento Mega	Brazil
>>     Instituto Bem Estar Brasil	Brazil
>>     Vrijschrift	Netherlands
>>     Instituto Beta para Internet e Democracia - IBIDEM	Brazil
>>     The Agency League of Musicians	US
>>     Digitale Gesellschaft	Germany
>>     Integrating Livelihoods through Communication Information Technology
>>     for Africa	Uganda
>>     Protege Qv 	Cameroon
>>     Fundacion Karisma	Colombia
>>     -- 
>>     *Josh Levy*
>>     Advocacy Director
>>     Access | accessnow.org <http://accessnow.org>
>>     tel: + 1 917 609 6523 <tel:%2B%201%20917%20609%206523> | @levjoy
>>     PGP: 0x84C9F275
>>     Fingerprint: B56A D510 3142 2364 69C7 3961 A0A3 67A5 84C9 F275
>>     *Join the Access team - *we're hiring
>>     <https://www.accessnow.org/about/jobs>!
>> -- 
>> *Josh Levy*
>> Advocacy Director
>> Access | accessnow.org <http://accessnow.org>
>> tel: + 1 917 609 6523 | @levjoy
>> PGP: 0x84C9F275
>> Fingerprint: B56A D510 3142 2364 69C7 3961 A0A3 67A5 84C9 F275
>> *Join the Access team - *we're hiring
>> <https://www.accessnow.org/about/jobs>!
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Colnodo - Uso estratégico de Internet para el desarrollo
*Julián Casasbuenas G.*


Tels: 57-1-2324246, 57-315-2585596 Cel. 57-315-3339099

Diagonal 40A (Antigua Av. 39) No. 14-75, Bogotá, Colombia

Twitter @jcasasbuenas <https://twitter.com/jcasasbuenas> @colnodo

www.colnodo.apc.org <http://www.colnodo.apc.org> - Uso Estratégico de
Internet para el Desarrollo

Miembro de la Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones -APC-
www.apc.org <http://www.apc.org>

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