[bestbits] Meeting before the IGF?

Anriette Esterhuysen anriette at apc.org
Sat Jun 27 13:22:55 EDT 2015

Dear Jeremy and all

I agree with Shahzad.. we could think about this. APC is also planning
to have WSIS consultations at the LAC and African IGFs.

So NY before the next WSIS+10 consultation is a good idea. But the WSIS
and IGF civil society communities are not identical, and might not have
the same concerns.

Let's keep thinking. NY would certainly require funding whereas a
meeting at the IGF could take place more easily as many people would
already have planned their travel to the IGF. The expense of an extra
day/night accommodation is easier to manage.

We can have WSIS on this event's agenda as well even if there won't be
much time left for inputs.


On 27/06/2015 17:43, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
> On 26/06/15 11:59 PM, Shahzad Ahmad wrote:
>> Some of us have been thinking to organize an Asia Regional
>> consultation on WSIS +10. Not a lot of discussion about this event yet
>> but given the new timelines, may be before October NY consultation. If
>> this plan materialize, can be a good venue for the BB meeting? It will
>> be really great to meet face to face to plan for quite happening time
>> ahead :)
> It is true that, although traditionally held pre-IGF, there is no reason
> why an annual Best Bits meeting couldn't be held at another time and
> place provided that there was enough of a critical mass of people
> going.  Thanks for the suggestion Shahzad.
> -- 
> Jeremy Malcolm
> Senior Global Policy Analyst
> Electronic Frontier Foundation
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Anriette Esterhuysen
Executive Director
Association for Progressive Communications
anriette at apc.org
IM: ae_apc

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