[bestbits] Call for Submissions BEAUTIFUL RISING: A Global Toolbox for Changemakers (Beautiful Rising, a partnership between ActionAid and Beautiful Trouble)

Becky Lentz roberta.lentz at mcgill.ca
Thu Jul 30 14:39:46 EDT 2015

Beautiful Rising will be a modular toolkit of creative activism assembled by
activists, organizers and troublemakers across the global south1
<https://www.beautifulrising.org/call-for-submissions/#fn:1>  and launching
spring 2016. If you’re involved in innovative, creative activism and want to
work with us to document your successes (and failures!) for others to learn
from them, we want to hear from you.

We are seeking pitches for short, focused entries (ranging from 200 to 1,000
words) on the following:
* stories of change and resistance — both successes and failures that
illustrate the tools, tactics and principles of effective, creative activism
(for example, activists in Uganda smuggling pigs into Parliament
* effective tactics of creative activism (flash mobs, divestment, creative
distruption, pots-and-pans protests, etc.)
* insightful principles of creative activism (design guidelines of movement
building and action planning)
* useful tools for strategic campaigning and action planning (e.g. pillars
of power, points of intervention, etc.)
* big ideas about how the world works and how we change it (direct action,
neoliberalism, hegemony, etc.).
How to contribute
If you are interested in contributing, please fill out this simple form
c/viewform>  or email your idea to dave at beautifultrouble.org before
October 31, 2015 and we’ll follow up. If your pitch is accepted, we’ll work
closely with you through an intensive, collaborative editing process.
Contributors of published, longer-form modules will be paid for their work.

If you know someone who would have valuable stories and ideas to contribute,
or some topic that should be included in the toolbox, please share this call
for submissions with them, or send those suggestions our way and we’ll
follow up.
About the project
“Like art, revolution is an important dimension of uniquely human activity,
a form of species-constitutive behavior that contains its own grammar and
—George N. Katsiaficas, Asia’s Unknown Uprisings, Vol. II
Beautiful Rising is convening front-line activists and movements from across
the global south to distill the most effective approaches and latest
innovations in creative activism. The Beautiful Rising toolbox will launch
in spring 2016 in a range of online and offline/print formats.

Beautiful Rising, a partnership between ActionAid and Beautiful Trouble, is
working directly with activists in Myanmar, Bangladesh, Uganda, Zimbabwe and
the Middle East/North Africa region, and has convened an Advisory Network of
leading practitioners in social movement activism and technology. We aim to
showcase the best examples of creative activism at work in the majority
world, partnering directly with grassroots activists to help them illuminate
the principles, practices and tactics of effective creative activism they
have developed — and to disseminate the resulting toolkit to change-makers

3. Following Vijay Prashad, we use the term global south provisionally, to
refer “not to geographical space but to a concatenation of protests against
neoliberalism” (The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South,
AK Press, 2003.) ↩ 
About the initiating organizations:

ActionAid is an international organization based in Johannesburg that works
with over 15 million people in 45 countries for a world free from poverty
and injustice.


Beautiful Trouble is a book <http://beautifultrouble.org/the-book/> , web
toolbox <http://beautifultrouble.org> , and international network of
artist-activist trainers <http://beautifultrouble.org/trainings>  whose
mission is to make grassroots movements more creative and more effective.

For more information, contact project manager Søren Warburg at swa(at)ms.dk

 <https://twitter.com/beautrising>  <https://facebook.com/beautifulrising>


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