[bestbits] IGF/MAG Update - January 2015

Eduardo Bertoni ebertoni at alumni.gwu.edu
Thu Jan 22 13:01:56 EST 2015

Very useful Lea. Thanks!!



On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Lea Kaspar <lea at gp-digital.org> wrote:

> Dear friends,
> With apologies for not sharing this sooner, below is a brief update on the
> current status of IGF preparations and the activities currently being
> carried out by the IGF MAG.
> To start with a time-sensitive issue, please note that the* community is
> currently invited to provide input on IGF's inter-sessional activities*.
> The* deadline *to submit input is *Monday, February 2*:
> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/176-igf-2015/preparatory-process/2142-open-call-for-input-on-inter-sessional-work
> Defining the modalities and themes for intersessional work is perhaps the
> most important task for the MAG and the community this year. It will be
> instrumental in maximising the value of the Forum beyond the annual
> Conference, and, especially in light of the WSIS+10 Review, to demonstrate
> its value to the wider audiences. As the IGF mandate runs out this year,
> and its future gets decided by governments in New York this December,
> getting intersessional work off the ground could be one of the key
> variables in deciding the final outcome. So please share this call with
> your networks and provide input if you can!
> For those of you who want *to join* the dedicated MAG working group on
> intersessional activities, the info on how to do this is below.
> With warm wishes,
> Lea
> ----
> *Summary of the December MAG meeting and status of IGF 2015 preparations*
>    - The newly formed MAG met for the first time on 1-3 December in
>    Geneva. The Chair's summary can be found here
>    <http://intgovforum.org/cms/documents/igf-meeting/igf-2015-joao-pessoa/422-december-2014-open-consultations-and-mag-meeting-summary-report/file>
>    .
>    - The work of the MAG and dedicated working groups (WGs) will be
>    carried out remotely through calls and mailing lists, as well as through in
>    person meetings. Next MAG face to face meetings will take place in:
>    - *May 20-22, Geneva* (to focus on workshop selection*)*
>       - *Early September, New York* (to maximise opportunity to engage
>       decision-makers in NY involved in the WSIS process and push for IGF mandate
>       renewal)
>    - To tackle specific tasks, work of the MAG has been organised into
>    dedicated WGs. The WGs report regularly to the full MAG, which has the
>    final decision-making authority.
>    - At the December meeting, *7 WGs were set up:*
> Working GroupMailing list nameMailing list sign up pageLead FacilitatorsIGF
> 2015 themesigf2015_themes at intgovforum.org
> http://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/igf2015_themes_intgovforum.orgBenedicto
> Fonseca Filho.Intersessional activitiesintersessional_2015 at intgovforum.org
> http://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/intersessional_2015_intgovforum.orgMourad
> Boukadoum,; Virat Bhatia; Avri Doria; Lynn St. Amour.Main Session
> guidelinesms_guidelines_2015 at intgovforum.org
> http://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/ms_guidelines_2015_intgovforum.orgFlavio
> Wagner; Subi Chaturvedi; Virginia Paque.Outreach communication
> outreach_com_2015 at intgovforum.org
> http://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/outreach_com_2015_intgovforum.orgDominique
> LazanskiRemote participationrp_2015 at intgovforum.org
> http://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/rp_2015_intgovforum.orgGinger
> Paque.Self-assessment of IGFselfassesment_2015 at intgovforum.org
> http://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/selfassesment_2015_intgovforum.orgMarilyn
> Cade.Workshop evaluation, selection criteria, and mechanisms
> ws_selection_2015 at intgovforum.org
> http://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/ws_selection_2015_intgovforum.orgFiona
> Alexander; Susan Chalmers.
>    - It was decided that all WGs will be *open to the community*. If you
>    are interested in participating in any of these WGs please register through
>    the above links and the IGF secretariat will add you to the relevant
>    mailing list(s). Volunteers are more than welcome!
>    - In terms of progress of individual WGs, two groups will be
>    finalising their work shortly: the group on IGF themes and the group on
>    workshop evaluation.
>    - The call for workshops for IGF 2015 is due to be published shortly
>    (target date: *January 30*).
>    - As it stands at the moment (pending final confirmation):
>       - The overaching theme for IGF 2015 will be "*The Evolution of
>       Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development"*
>       - Conference sub-themes will be: *Building Trust; Internet Economy;
>       Inclusiveness and Diversity; Openess; Multistakeholder Cooperation;
>       Internet and Human Rights*
> As a group of civil society MAG members and observers (Aida Mahmutovic,
> Bianca Ho, Avri Doria, Ginger Paque, Fatima Cambronero, Jac SM Kee, Ephraim
> Percy Kenyanito, Amelia Andersdotter, Izumi Aizu, Bill Drake, Anriette
> Esterhuysen, Adam Peake, Matthew Shears, etc. - sorry if I missed anyone!)
> we made a relatively solid effort at trying to coordinate our input at the
> meeting. We organised working lunches, a dedicated online communications
> channel, and supported each others' interventions. Most of us have joined
> several working groups, and Ginger and Avri are leading two of them. I
> think we have a great group of dedicated and hard-working people who will
> work to promote the public interest and contribute to strengthening the
> IGF. I look forward to working with them this year!
> I hope this captures the main developments - other colleagues who are
> following the process, please add to this information in case I missed
> anything!
> -----
> *Lea Kaspar*
> Development House, 56–64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT
> T: +44 (0)20 7549 033*7* | M: +44 (0)7583 929216 | Skype: l.kaspar
> gp-digital.org
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