[bestbits] IMPORTANT: World Economic Forum and The-Initiative-Formerly-Known-As-NETmundial

Jeremy Malcolm jmalcolm at eff.org
Thu Sep 4 08:39:04 EDT 2014

On Sep 4, 2014, at 4:31 PM, Jeanette Hofmann <jeanette at wzb.eu> wrote:

> Am 04.09.14 14:20, schrieb Brett Solomon:
>> On process, my concern is that the CS coordinating body seems to be
>> taking on a decision making role as to /whether/ we should attend rather
>> than /who/ should attend once a decision has made to attend.
> This is my concern too, just less clearly worded. We kill the committee, and the intention behind it, if we let it expand into this realm.

FWIW I fully agree and that's why in a personal capacity I encouraged CSCG members to air their views on the /whether/ question on public lists as part of their constituent groups, rather than deliberating upon this within the CSCG, and they have done so.  So I think that although the criticism is well placed, the CSCG is not going down this wrong path.

Jeremy Malcolm
Senior Global Policy Analyst
Electronic Frontier Foundation
jmalcolm at eff.org

Tel: 415.436.9333 ext 161

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