[bestbits] IMPORTANT: World Economic Forum and The-Initiative-Formerly-Known-As-NETmundial

Deborah Brown deborah at apc.org
Thu Sep 4 03:05:08 EDT 2014

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Hi Jeremy,

The timeline on making a decision on this was not clear to me from
your email. You wrote:

The timetable CSCG is discussing would see us begin a call for
nominations no earlier than Friday – the last day of IGF – to allow
discussion and further clarification before we commence any such process.

I agree that there has not been enough discussion of this (nor time to
do so) but a concrete deadline might encourage this ;)


On 9/4/14 9:52 AM, Ian Peter wrote:
> just to be clear on this – the statement below would only be
> when/if we formally announce our nominees – not every time they
> speak!
> Ian
> From: Jeremy Malcolm Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 4:38 PM To:
> Carlos A. Afonso Cc: Ian Peter ; mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
>  Subject: Re: [bestbits] IMPORTANT: World Economic Forum and
> The-Initiative-Formerly-Known-As-NETmundial
> On Sep 2, 2014, at 3:53 PM, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca>
> wrote:
> "The WEF representatives seem to be listening and adapting at IGF –
> so I think this is still quite fluid." You mean, like the Borg? :)
> I don't feel that we have yet received a good sense from this group
> yet about whether we should patronise the WEF initiative or not.
> You have, by now, seen that the Just Net Coalition people are
> refusing to support the initiative.  If the Coordination Group goes
> forward with nominating candidates at all, it would therefore have
> to be on the basis that any public statement of our nominees would
> include that "although JNC is a member of CSCG, JNC has opted out
> from participation in this particular selection process".
> Are we happy with that?  Or do we agree with JNC and want to wash
> our hands of this process?  I have heard view both ways, and I
> don't have a good sense of where the balance of opinion lies.
> Would be grateful for some more people to express their views
> here.
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