[bestbits] Time-sensitive: 24 hour sign on period for ITU Plenipot joint recommendations

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at wzb.eu
Tue Oct 21 08:18:24 EDT 2014

Hi all,

I want to thank all the co-authors for this statement and express my 
support. I don't agree with Parminder's criticism that the statement 
fails to indicate who should take up responsibility for global IG 
issues. Instead the statement stresses the importance of 
multistakeholder appraoches.

The part I find of the statement I find rather weak concerns the 
recommendations on net neutrality. Particulary the second paragraph and 
in that the last sentence don't make much sense to me. Since net 
neutrality is such an important issue I would like to encourage the 
authors responsbible for this paragraph to have another go at it.

If you see a specific role for the ITU in supporting global 
interconnectivity and net neutrality, I would suggest describing it in 
concrete terms (and drop the part expressing your surprise and perhaps 
also the mission creep part).


Am 20.10.14 22:38, schrieb Anne Jellema:
> Dear colleagues
> As you know, a fluid working group was formed after the IGF to try to
> come up with joint recommendations for the ITU Plenipot. We produced the
> open letter on transparency and participation in the Plenipot process
> itself, which many of you signed (thank you!). Our second and harder
> task was to develop positions on some of the most important substantive
> issues before the conference. The output of this second phase of our
> work is a 7 page lobby document that is now available for endorsement
> for the next 24 hours at:
> http://bestbits.net/itu-plenipot-notes
> The fluid working group struggled to obtain the conference proposals on
> which to base our analysis and recommendations, both because of the
> ITU's restrictions on document access and because many Member States
> submitted their proposals quite late in the day. As a result, our
> drafting process has taken us hard up against the start of the Plenipot
> itself.
> It is now very urgent to get this text in front of delegations, so we
> are opening it for endorsements rather than comment. If however someone
> has a red flag, "absolutely can't live with it" issue that prevents them
> from signing on, they should email me personally in the next 24 hours to
> propose an edit(s) to resolve this issue, and I will consult the other
> members of the ITU fluid working group on whether to accept this edit.
> Due to the lack of time for comment and consensus, we are not presenting
> these recommendations in the name of Best Bits or on behalf of civil
> society in general but only on behalf of the specific organisations
> endorsing.
> If you would like your organisation to be listed, please send your logo
> to Carolina Rossini (crossini at publicknowledge.org
> <mailto:crossini at publicknowledge.org>) by 22:30 CET (16:30 EST)
> tomorrow, 21 Oct.
> Best wishes
> Anne
> --
> Anne Jellema
> +27 061 36 9352 (ZA)
> +1 202 684 6885 (US)
> @afjellema
> *
> *
> *World Wide Web Foundation | 1110 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 500, Washington
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