[bestbits] [governance] Re: [IRPCoalition] Time-sensitive: 24 hour sign on period for ITU Plenipot joint recommendations

Jeremy Malcolm jmalcolm at eff.org
Sat Oct 25 23:58:11 EDT 2014

On Oct 25, 2014, at 4:47 PM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:
> The difference is that the politician or bureaucrat is subject to some or other formal structure of accountability (these may or may not work all that well but they are there and there are often and increasingly in many instances, legal ways of enforcing them); for the email provider (or NGO) the only accountability is to the market and for the NGO there isn’t even that which of course is a major major problem.

There are many ways in which NGOs make themselves accountable accountable (by internal elections, membership meetings, publication of records) and for INGOs there is an accountability forum that holds them to a high standard. 

Additionally in the Internet governance space, we are under the microscope of certain of our peers who have appointed themselves with that task, and who seem to go about it with some delight, even to the detriment of our more substantive agenda. 

Jeremy Malcolm
Senior Global Policy Analyst
Electronic Frontier Foundation
jmalcolm at eff.org

Tel: 415.436.9333 ext 161

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