[bestbits] [governance] Re: NMI and the Brazilian CGI.br

JFC Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Mon Nov 24 02:59:35 EST 2014

At 02:23 23/11/2014, Louis Pouzin (well) wrote:
>Hi all,
>Remember WSIS. Brazil was the driving force in putting up the group 
>of like minded countries. When final negotiation arrived, Brazil 
>leadership evaporated. One could presume that they did not have the 
>capacity to resist strong US arm twisting.


I fully agree with this. The "US business predator strategy" is 
certainly the right word. I feel we see an ISOC/USG disagreement with 
WEF/ICANN over the speed and the kind of control, ISOC/USG (Lynn 
St-Amour/Don Tapscott - http://gsnetworks.org/) seem to wish to weave 
an US structured accountability network, while WEF/ICANN seem to want 
to retain a status-quo.

>NetMundial was a similar scenario. The high level committee members 
>never got any contact from the brazilian chair. ICANN had already taken over.
>This WEF/ICANN nebulous gobbledygook smacks of another railroading 
>to capture some opponents to the US business predator strategy. 
>Let's see what happens to Brazil.

Let not put all our eggs in the same basket. As long as we cannot 
have a CS basket to be present in the Gov type basket (US/ISOC/FCC) 
and the Business type basket (WEF/ICANN/Rosetta) is a good thing.

May I also remind the 
link to the bilingual version of the Marco Civil law?

Now, I feel - from studying some Brazilean initiatives such as the 
Rio's ITS - that Brazilean technologists are more often lawyers than 
free open software developpers. So they are better at getting 
political positions/agreements than at technologically settling it 
what is surprising due to the level reached by the Brazilean software.

This another reason for me to plea for a Libre/CS cooperation.

>   .
>- - -
>On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 11:34 PM, 
><<mailto:parminder at itforchange.net>parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
>Dear members of CGI.Br and signatories of the appeal for support to the
>ICANN-WEF global IG  Initiative;
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