[governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 2
Avri Doria
avri at acm.org
Fri May 2 03:46:32 EDT 2014
sometimes tweets are reflective.
and sometime we object to what we see in the mirror.
On 02-May-14 08:30, Adam Peake wrote:
> Avri, thanks for the report, and having followed some of yesterdays
> discussions online, thank you *very* much for your interventions
> during the meeting. Good luck today.
> About your last point, tweets. The meeting is transcribed, we can
> see who is saying what. How is tweeting a problem? Perhaps clarify
> with the chair.
> Thanks again,
> Adam
> On May 2, 2014, at 3:03 PM, Avri Doria wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It was a long day. We finally made it through all of the proposed
>> recommendations that group members had offered. We are at least
>> half a day or more behind our schedule for the meeting.
>> We also had a discussion of the Correspondence group report. While
>> the report was appreciated by all, we developed yet another point
>> of fundamental disagreement:
>> - This is marvelous work that should become a living document
>> - This is a useful piece of work, but enough trying to understand,
>> now lets come to conclusions about new mechanisms and bodies to
>> fill the gaps.
>> Discussions were robust, and some of the language remains bracketed
>> and needs further discussion.
>> The fundamental oppositional themes remained as subthemes,
>> especially the scope of Enhanced Cooperation:
>> - among governments
>> - among all stakeholders.
>> One of the longest discussions revolved around the need to include
>> discussions on issues related to marginalized peoples issues and
>> women's participation in the Internet governance as part of
>> Enhanced Cooperation. The fundamental group-division fed into the
>> discussion:
>> - this discussion is a waste of time that keeps us from discussing
>> the real issue of Enhanced Cooperation - relationships between
>> governments and a new body wherein those discussions can be held
>> - this a critical component of Enhanced Cooperation among all
>> stakeholders.
>> Neither side in the discussion could believe that the discussion
>> went on as long as it did. I am sure this discussion will
>> resurface at some point in day 3.
>> As it was apparent that there are, at least two models of Enhanced
>> Cooperation, there had been discussion the first day of including
>> these models in the document. This discussion continued the second
>> day with some some arguing:
>> - We should have a report on the things we could reach consensus
>> on, and there seem to be some such points
>> - we should discuss the various oppositional models.
>> At one point one of the protagonists argued that they were only
>> accepting certain text because they expected a document that would
>> include a model that rejected the relevance of the discussion of
>> the points they had just accepted.
>> We also did not manage to resolve the issues of whether we would
>> have"
>> - a chair's report
>> - a WG group
>> Today's meeting starts at 9am (I better start getting ready) and
>> is likely to go until 9pm again as was the case on day 2.
>> A skeleton of the draft report was sent to the members and it is
>> attached for reference as is the text of the first day's
>> discussions
>> A point I want to make in this sketchy report, some governments
>> have begun the move to argue that the WGEC is only having these
>> oppositional problems because it is trying to be a multistakeholder
>> discussion. There is every chance that a final oppositional
>> impression is being set up:
>> - realizing that a 16 year fundamental difference of opinion needs
>> more a few days of meetings spread over a year to resolve
>> - the multistakeholder model is the root of all failure
>> Of course I realize that within the group of civil society readers
>> of the sketchy report, we have people on both sides of this
>> discussion.
>> Finally there was a moment when an observer was reprimanded for
>> using twitter to say things that offended some WG members. To me,
>> this showed how really out of touch the whole WSIS based Tunis
>> Agenda driven discussions are in todays' world.
>> Or rather, how the opposition between the restriction of expression
>> and free expression are also one of the fundamental oppositions
>> that underlay our discussions.
>> avri
>> PS. Hopefully others who were in the room and who are on these
>> lists can correct or amplify this quick report.
>> <30APR2014-WGEC-Geneva, Switzerland.txt><DRAFTfinal
>> report-140501>____________________________________________________________
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