[bestbits] Brazil's Marco Civil approved by Chamber of Deputies!!

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Tue Mar 25 20:15:57 EDT 2014

[sorry for eventual duplicates, you will understand why]

Dear people, very good news from Brazil: after a nearly four-year 
battle, "Marco Civil da Internet" (Internet's Civil Rights Framework) 
was approved by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies.

Our dear ex-minister of Culture and staunch militant for the cause, 
Gilberto Gil, just posted on twitter:

"Vencemos! O #MarcoCivil foi aprovado!! Por uma rede 
neutralizada,liberdade de expressão e proteção à privacidade!"

"We won! #MarcoCivil has been approved!! For net neutrality, freedom of 
expression and protection of privacy!"

I am happy!

fraternal regards


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