Can Brazil achieve anything? WAS Re: [bestbits] emails to Adiel

Ian Peter ian.peter at
Sat Jan 11 00:13:53 EST 2014

Some more developments -

-----Original Message----- 
From: Adam Peake
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 7:48 PM
To: Ian Peter
Cc: Carolina Rossini ; parminder ; bestbits at
Subject: Re: Can Brazil achieve anything? WAS Re: [bestbits] emails to Adiel

Hi Ian,

You're right, always looked very ambitious -- and I think made more 
difficult by the failure of the two main protagonists to explain their 
specific high level hopes for outcome of the meeting.  But very ambitious to 
call for a Summit (I know it's been toned down, but expectations set) in a 
6-7 month time frame.  And then to decide it would be a two day meeting (two 
days: that's 1.5'ish once the opening/closing stuff's out the way) gives 
little time to achieve much.

However, I think there's a lot that can (will) be done.

First. I read the 1Net list with great frustration, and announcements from 
the local organizing committee with confusion... But when i first heard 
about it I found the idea of the Brazil Summit exciting, an opportunity to 
begin to make progress after many years of stagnation, so I'd rather trust 
rather than mis-trust.

If we take people at their word, allow for the compressed timeframe all are 
working under, the general confusion:

1.  Accept the local organizing committee (LOC) is an honest broker.  We 
respect, the civil society people involved are first class.  We 
understand that they are under great time and no doubt political pressure, 
we can expect they are short of resources (I don't mean cash: 
people/time/experience, etc)

2.  LOC, pressed for time, resources etc, have asked 1Net to be the point of 
contact for global non-govt stakeholders.  This is not ideal, but who are we 
not to respect LOC's request if we agree about 1. above?

3.  1Net steering committee has formed, 5 CS members are seated, let's trust 
our colleagues to help sort out the organizational mess of 1Net.  Make sure 
communication channels are clear, consistent.

4.  LOC has asked stakeholders to populate committees to organize the 
meeting.  Some confusion over the number of members needed, but rather than 
worry about that, select the number we were directly asked to select and 
send in the names. Someone might be disappointed, but so long as CS fairly 
represented let's accept and move on.  Generally stop staring at other 
stakeholders and do our own stuff.  Whoever's selected is going to need 
support, too much to do in too little time.

Substance. Matthew and Andrew are leading work streams, seen very 
substantive work from Carolina and her colleagues, Wolfgang and IGF dynamic 
coalition have a body of work. Opportunity for CS to provide information to 
support a significant part of the agenda.  I think the Brazil meeting should 
be the start of a process, not a stand alone event expected to produce a 
neat statement and be done (whatever other concerns, there isn't time for 
such a statement and complete outcome).  I would like to see the meeting 
provide strong global impetus for work to continue under the auspices of 
IGF.  Working groups many of us have asked for.  Opportunities around 
multistakeholder principles (human rights), IANA/ICANN frameworks.

If we don't start trusting others we might as well stop now.  If we later 
find our trust was misplaced (only 2/3 months away), that might be an 
indication of a fatal weakness in multi-stakeholder processes.

(writing this while in a seminar.... have deadlines, sorry this rushed not 
so coherent)


On Jan 10, 2014, at 1:19 PM, Ian Peter wrote:

> It seems I am not the only one wondering whether anything can be achieved 
> with the Brazil meeting now.
> From the outset I thought that the aspirations were extremely amibitious 
> given the timeframe and the methodology. I still think that the chance of 
> anything meaningful eventuating is fairly slim.
> However, I would be very happy to be proved wrong. Something needs to 
> provide a breakthough in the current IG hiatus.
> Mistakes and bad communication seem to be happening on many levels. Very 
> little forward progress seems to be evident and little time remains for 
> concrete developments.
> But as they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 
> Perhaps Brazil will give us that small single step.
> So for me, I am persevering with quite small expectations, and I think 
> that is probably our best path at this stage. There are plenty of things 
> which are far from ideal but for me at least none of them suggest that it 
> is time to withdraw or stop trying to make something of this.
> From: Carolina Rossini
> Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 2:22 AM
> To: parminder
> Cc: mailto:bestbits at
> Subject: Re: [bestbits] emails to Adiel
> No problem for your words Parminder. I know there is a lot of frustration 
> going on. But I have to secure you that ALL we know and ALL we have 
> learned, we DID communicated to the list. Everything else, we simply did 
> not know. And as soon as we learned (like, CGI wanting to channel 
> communications through 1Net), we communicated immediately. So, I learned 
> that yesterday and I communicated that yesterday. I learned that Adiel was 
> going to Brazil yesterday or the day before and than I communicated (and 
> then he negated, and then I asked again, and then folks said..."oh, Fadi 
> is coming". And then I sent your email with the letter of the Liasons to 
> Fadi).
> :-)
> So, I promise to you parminder, that we know as much as you. And I also 
> can tell you that CGI has been less transparency that we all would expect. 
> We are actually pressuring the CS board members of CGI to get more 
> involved (not all of them are), so we know better what is going on. Some 
> folks in the government simply do not answer our emails anymore. When the 
> 1net list was formed, Joana and I were alternating on reporting back to 
> the lists week by week. But as soon as 1Net was open to all, we stopped 
> that, since it seems all of you are also in that list.
> So, I agree with you in the need of transparency and reporting. And I 
> assure you, if we are not sending news, it is because we do not have any. 
> But rest assure that we are trying...everyday.
> hugs
> C
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 12:46 AM, parminder <parminder at> 
> wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 January 2014 10:26 PM, Carolina Rossini wrote:
>> Dear folks,
>> Adiel will be the person in the meeting in Brazil on January 10th. Folks 
>> in Brazil want this "1Net" fictional entity to filter ALL conversations 
>> with CGI.
> Carolina
> Your description of 1Net and its role as seen by LOG is interesting. The 
> point is; does civil society agree to this arrangement - of 1Net filtering 
> all conversations with CGI... or have we simply become a pushover 
> (willing?) for the powerful to make deals among themselves. That would be 
> such a shame, and I have begun to get this feeling that we are fast 
> getting there if not already there.
> Do we want to write to LOG/ CGI that this arrangement is not acceptable to 
> us? I request that list members give their response to this.
> That reminds me: at Bali, this issue was much discussed and four prominent 
> civil society groups (IGC, BB, APC and IRP) together agreed that, no this 
> arrangement is not acceptable to us (Please let me know if this is *not* 
> what people thing got agreed) and decided to send a letter to Brazilians 
> to the effect, and also putting forward 4 CS Liaisons, who were requested 
> to be invited to all meetings related to organising the Brazil meeting. 
> (Quite inexplicably though the drafting and sending of the letter got 
> highly delayed even after this decision.)
> Caroline, you, and Joana and Laura were 3 liaisons . Why did you not keep 
> us posted about what was happening in Brazil... Did you insist that you be 
> invited to all meetings? If so, what was their response? Why did you not 
> share their response with all of us? Why when, while such is in any case 
> the duty of any CS rep, the letter clearly said that the Liaisons will 
> keep CS groups posted about developments. However, whereas much has 
> happened    since that time, I dont remember a single report by the 
> liaisons to us. Carlos used to report but then he had to drop out since he 
> was made a member of LOG. But what about the three of you?
> When after the last LOG meeting, we got the bombshell that it has been 
> officially decided that 1Net will as you say 'filter ALL conversations 
> with CGI' I wrote repeatedly to this list requesting CS Liaisons to bring 
> us to speed about what is happening. In fact, even Ian (and I think 
> Jeremy) asked for some information about what was happening. But NONE of 
> you responded to any of our requests....
> I think. sorry for my words, but this is about  a public duty, and seeking 
> accountability about it,  this is a clear abdication of the role that you 
> all were given as CS reps... I am sure there must be an explanation of 
> this somewhere, in which case please do share it.
> Thanks, parminder
>> So, it is better to write to Adiel, not just to CGI. Here is Adiel email 
>> if you prefer to do so: Adiel Akplogan <adiel at>
>> -- 
>> Carol (in my personal capacity)
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> Carolina Rossini
> Project Director, Latin America Resource Center
> Open Technology Institute
> New America Foundation
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