[bestbits] Re: [CoNE-elist 679] Re: Open Letter by Indian civil society organizations to the Chair of the 'MMFIG' being held in Brazil, April, 2014

Anja Kovacs anja at internetdemocracy.in
Mon Feb 24 08:49:15 EST 2014

I don't think we should provide an alternative ourselves - that is not the
point, and if the organisers have appointed a member of the HLMC as
co-chair for another stakeholder group, they know that this is an option.

We could perhaps indicate that the Joint NomCom under Ian's leadership is
ready to provide any support or feedback that the Chair might need on this
decision - that is if the Joint NomCom agrees to taking up this role of


On 24 February 2014 16:51, parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:

> In the current circumstances, I think it is best that one of the three
> civil society members of the High Level Committee (HLC) should be picked up
> as civil society co-chair... All the three HLC  members came through a
> civil society nomination process. This is what got done in the case of
> academic community co chair.. One of three HLC academic community members -
> Jeanette
> - was picked as academic community co chair.
> It will be good if the major civil society networks can support the letter
> from India civil society, and together propose the above way to go
> forward....
> Whatever we do needs to be done fast, in the next 2-3 days..
> Can the respective coordinators etc take up the task..
> thanks
> parminder
> On Monday 24 February 2014 03:34 PM, Avis Momeni wrote:
>> Dear Rishab,
>> Greetings from Cameroon,
>> May be it will be appropriated in this letter when disagree Prof.
>> Virgilio Almeida's choice, to propose a consensus person that all of you as
>> civil societies organizations would like to be appointed in regards of the
>> challenges you are all looking for.
>>   Kind regards.
>> Avis.
>>   Avis MOMENI
>> Secretary General
>> P.O Box 4888 Yaounde
>> Tel/Fax:(237)
>> Please take a few glances
>> at: www.protegeqv.org
>> Le Samedi 22 février 2014 19h50, Rishab Bailey <rishab.bailey at gmail.com>
>> a écrit :
>>   Dear Friends,
>> Attached is an open letter Indian civil society organisations propose to
>> send to Prof. Virgilio Almeida, Chair of the Multistakeholder Meeting on
>> the Future of Internet Governance being held in Brazil in April this year,
>> regarding the appointment of the civil society co-chair for the meeting.
>> This letter has been agreed on by virtually every civil society
>> organisation in India who have been involved in the Internet Governance
>> space.
>> (the list of organisations - in alphabetical order - is as follows:
>> 1. Centre for Communication Governance
>> 2. Centre for Internet and Society
>> 3. Digital Empowerment Foundation
>> 4. Free Software Movement of India
>> 5. Institute of Global Internet Governance and Advocacy
>> 6. Internet Democracy Project
>> 7. IT for Change
>> 8. Open Knowledge Community
>> 9. Society for Knowledge Commons
>> 10. Software Freedom Law Centre, India)
>> We plan to submit this letter to the Chair on Monday (24th February, 2014)
>> (together with any further endorsements received).
>> Should you or your organisation wish to support / endorse this letter, do
>> let me know at the earliest possible.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Rishab Bailey
>> for the Society for Knowledge Commons, India
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Dr. Anja Kovacs
The Internet Democracy Project

+91 9899028053 | @anjakovacs
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