[bestbits] Dear Senator...The Internet is in serious trouble.
Jeanette Hofmann
jeanette at wzb.eu
Sat Apr 5 10:53:00 EDT 2014
Am 05.04.14 15:30, schrieb Techno CAT:
> Dear Senator _______________:
> The Internet is in serious trouble. The legacy DOD DARPA Internet was
> built using a Tin-Can and Kite-String Architecture (TCKS).
> Naive academics, military funders, computer hackers, idealistic
> opportunists and cut-throat business people combined to build the
> early Internet. Anyone with expensive IPv4 ARPA-centric TCP/IP routers
> could expand the legacy Internet. Unsuspecting consumers had
> no idea who was processing their packets. Unseen Router Wars shaped
> the CyberSpace. People refer to this as the Multi-Stakeholder Model.
> Internet Governance of Aritifically Scarce Network Resources (ASNR)
> emerged. A Cyber TAX system was constructed using Domain Names (DNS).
> An Internet Society (1992) was formed to protect jack-booted thugs who
> claimed to be Internet Engineers. Some did not not even have
> a high-school diploma. Vigilantes emerged as Internet self-government
> took on a life of its own. Socialist/Communist structures
> dominated. Psuedo-Governance Officials [Private Citizens] made up the
> rules, to suit their PRIVATE financial needs. Corruption,
> kick-backs, black-listing, red-lining, etc. are common. Off-Shore
> operations in the Cayman Islands, the Caribbean and Switzerland
> handle the anonymous opaque financial transactions.
> Most government officials were intentionally excluded from the early
> Internet. Other Government officials were "used" as enablers
> and shields, to hide the development of an insidious cartel. Major
> telecom carriers were also intentionally excluded. Internet operator
> groups, dominated by psycho-pathic attention-starved jerks grew to
> become the hubs of control. The NSF funded NANOG is one example.
> American consumers, are accustomed to regulated companies, with
> ethical standards, managing their critical telecom
> and data facilities. Unsuspecting consumers have been intentionally
> kept in the dark by the Multi-Stakeholder Cartel (MSC).
> Juvenile delinquents have been video-taped at various gatherings of
> the MS Cartel. Consumers have no idea they are vulnerable to these
> amateur network operators. Self-serving academics coddle the juveniles
> and distract government scrutiny.
> With the TCKS Internet Architecture, self-appointed Vigilantes can
> snoop and spy on individuals and groups. In some cases, they are
> willing to sell their services to anyone that will pay them. For
> decades they have demonstrated that their ethical norms are far
> different from the American telco industry. They pride themselves on
> being what many people would summarize as, Cyber Bullies.
> The U.S. Government has been a casual party to many of the legacy
> Internet evolutions. In the early days, the National Science
> Foundation NSF meddled in network developments, with mixed results. A
> few major universities and academic personalities did very
> well, financially, once they figured out how to game the NSF Grant
> processes. They obtained Aritifically Scarce Network Resources (ASNR)
> via NSF Grants and then sold them for private gain. The NSF looked the
> other way.
> As commerical companies began to migrate to the legacy Internet, the
> U.S. Government over-sight shifted from the NSF to the
> U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). A DOC sub-agency named NTIA handled
> most of the tasks. An obscur Internet Cartel function called
> "IANA" was morphed into a California Public Benefit Non-Profit company
> called ICANN - the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers.
> In general, non-profit corporations have been used as shells to hide
> the true financial dealings of the Internet Cartel (MSC).
> Cyber Bullies openly proclaim that they are non-profit "religions"
> while secretly banking millions. In some cases they also have a
> for-profit vest-pocket company. Their ethics are justified under the
> unwritten rules of the "International" Multi-Stakeholder Model.
> Since 1998, ICANN has evolved into a corrupt private companion to the
> Internet Society (ISOC-IETF) founded in 1992.
> The private ISOC-IETF ICANN-IANA ARIN Eco.System skillfully used the
> US Government as a shield and enabler for decades.
> The DNS Cyber Tax system has been used to fund their lavish travel and
> world-wide outreach programs.
> ICANN has now been captured by nefarious "International Operatives",
> primarily from Egypt and the Middle East.
> The arrogance of the ISOC IANA Eco.System has no bounds. The ISOC IANA
> Eco.System is carefully structured with Clerics, Insiders,
> Malitia, Operatives, Thugs, Groupies, and what Lenin and Stalin called
> Useful Idiots. Aritifically Scarce Network Resources (ASNR)
> are used to control the Eco.System. Aging dictators control the
> cartel, supported by people who attend meetings to "see famous
> people".
> Elections are not viewed as desirable or possible in the Eco.System -
> "The Wrong People Might Get Elected".
> It is ironic, the Eco.System often claims credit for developments that
> were done to protect USA consumers FROM the Eco.System.
> Many USA Netizens work hard in normal business roles to AVOID the
> Eco.System. The vast majority of USA Internet companies avoid the
> Eco.System.
> The Eco.System attempts to co-opt key developments with their vast
> war-chests of money. Some people succumb to the bribes.
> ICANN-IANA and ISOC-IETF have systematically delayed and derailed
> competion as they have grown their non-profit empire to billions of
> dollars
> and million dollar executive compensation packages. The lack of
> Term-Limits has allowed individuals to become career Internet
> politicians.
> Jaw-dropping compenstion packages and non-profit war chests of cash
> reserves are used by the Eco.System players to dominate Internet
> Governance.
> American citizens have been openly threatened with death by the
> ISOC-IETF Thugs, who surround the IANA as a protection force.
> Recently, the U.S. Government, via NTIA, has announced their intention
> to distance themselves from the Legacy ICANN IANA ISOC Internet.
> This Diplomatic move has confused many American consumers. Most
> Americans are not aware of who runs their Internet and from where.
> The ICANN-IANA ISOC leaders have recently openly joined with South
> American leaders. Bases have also been opened in Turkey and Singaore.
> The Eco.System Cartel claims to be "international" and immune from USA
> laws and scrutiny.
> The U.S. Congress has directed the NTIA to lead the construction of a
> new Internet, called FirstNET. Federal funding is being allocated
> to States that step forward to help. The State of Colorado has landed
> the Technical Headquarters for FirstNet. The State of Virginia
> has been selected to handle the FirstNet Administrative Headquarters.
> FEMA Regions have been suggested for organizing FirstNet.
> FirstNET does not serve all Netizens. A NEW USA Domestic Internet
> (SecondNET) is still needed. Netizens in the USA need to rely on an
> Internet they can trust. The State of ______________________ needs to
> take the lead in the construction of a USA DOMESTIC Internet.
> One plan calls for FOUR-State Regions, called SuperStates, to act as
> the major Hubs for the USA SecondNET.
> The State of _____________ would be combined with the States of
> ________________, __________________, ______________. Attached is a
> map
> of the SuperStates. Alaska and Hawaii will be handled separately, like
> terratories such as Puerto Rico. The States of California, Michigan
> and Texas are divided into two regions to balance the SuperState Regions.
> Sixteen SuperStates would form the basic structure for the USA
> DOMESTIC Internet. Since FirstNet plans to leverage existing network
> facilities, FirstNET would be one of the first customers for the USA
> DOMESTIC SecondNET. As a US Senator, you would automatically be
> appointed as a leader of your respective SuperState.
> By taking a leadership role, at this critical time, you and your State
> can become part of the critical history of reliable, honest,
> ethical, telecom and data services in the United States of America.
> Your next steps would be to meet with your regional partners
> and begin planning your own destiny. USA Technologists are ready to
> supply the needed solutions.
> The Citizens and Netizens of the State of _________________ are also
> ready to help.
> Joe Concerned Citizen
> State of ____________
> P.S. The ISOC IANA Eco.System is not going away. They are rapidly
> moving away from the USA to International venues they can exploit.
> They advocate splitting the Internet with their IPv6 technology. The
> USA can protect itself with a unified solution.
> The USA is a Republic, not a Democracy, and certainly not a
> MultiStakeholder Street Gang. The Republic of States and SuperStates
> collectively designing, building and operating a NEW USA Domestic
> SecondNET will help to protect consumers and visitors to our
> CyberSpace.
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