[bestbits] Dear Senator...The Internet is in serious trouble.

Techno CAT mars.techno.cat at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 09:30:06 EDT 2014

Dear Senator _______________:

The Internet is in serious trouble. The legacy DOD DARPA Internet was
built using a Tin-Can and Kite-String Architecture (TCKS).
Naive academics, military funders, computer hackers, idealistic
opportunists and cut-throat business people combined to build the
early Internet. Anyone with expensive IPv4 ARPA-centric TCP/IP routers
could expand the legacy Internet. Unsuspecting consumers had
no idea who was processing their packets. Unseen Router Wars shaped
the CyberSpace. People refer to this as the Multi-Stakeholder Model.

Internet Governance of Aritifically Scarce Network Resources (ASNR)
emerged. A Cyber TAX system was constructed using Domain Names (DNS).
An Internet Society (1992) was formed to protect jack-booted thugs who
claimed to be Internet Engineers. Some did not not even have
a high-school diploma. Vigilantes emerged as Internet self-government
took on a life of its own. Socialist/Communist structures
dominated. Psuedo-Governance Officials [Private Citizens] made up the
rules, to suit their PRIVATE financial needs. Corruption,
kick-backs, black-listing, red-lining, etc. are common. Off-Shore
operations in the Cayman Islands, the Caribbean and Switzerland
handle the anonymous opaque financial transactions.

Most government officials were intentionally excluded from the early
Internet. Other Government officials were "used" as enablers
and shields, to hide the development of an insidious cartel. Major
telecom carriers were also intentionally excluded. Internet operator
groups, dominated by psycho-pathic attention-starved jerks grew to
become the hubs of control. The NSF funded NANOG is one example.

American consumers, are accustomed to regulated companies, with
ethical standards, managing their critical telecom
and data facilities. Unsuspecting consumers have been intentionally
kept in the dark by the Multi-Stakeholder Cartel (MSC).
Juvenile delinquents have been video-taped at various gatherings of
the MS Cartel. Consumers have no idea they are vulnerable to these
amateur network operators. Self-serving academics coddle the juveniles
and distract government scrutiny.

With the TCKS Internet Architecture, self-appointed Vigilantes can
snoop and spy on individuals and groups. In some cases, they are
willing to sell their services to anyone that will pay them. For
decades they have demonstrated that their ethical norms are far
different from the American telco industry. They pride themselves on
being what many people would summarize as, Cyber Bullies.

The U.S. Government has been a casual party to many of the legacy
Internet evolutions. In the early days, the National Science
Foundation NSF meddled in network developments, with mixed results. A
few major universities and academic personalities did very
well, financially, once they figured out how to game the NSF Grant
processes. They obtained Aritifically Scarce Network Resources (ASNR)
via NSF Grants and then sold them for private gain. The NSF looked the
other way.

As commerical companies began to migrate to the legacy Internet, the
U.S. Government over-sight shifted from the NSF to the
U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). A DOC sub-agency named NTIA handled
most of the tasks. An obscur Internet Cartel function called
"IANA" was morphed into a California Public Benefit Non-Profit company
called ICANN - the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers.
In general, non-profit corporations have been used as shells to hide
the true financial dealings of the Internet Cartel (MSC).
Cyber Bullies openly proclaim that they are non-profit "religions"
while secretly banking millions. In some cases they also have a
for-profit vest-pocket company. Their ethics are justified under the
unwritten rules of the "International" Multi-Stakeholder Model.

Since 1998, ICANN has evolved into a corrupt private companion to the
Internet Society (ISOC-IETF) founded in 1992.
The private ISOC-IETF ICANN-IANA ARIN Eco.System skillfully used the
US Government as a shield and enabler for decades.
The DNS Cyber Tax system has been used to fund their lavish travel and
world-wide outreach programs.
ICANN has now been captured by nefarious "International Operatives",
primarily from Egypt and the Middle East.

The arrogance of the ISOC IANA Eco.System has no bounds. The ISOC IANA
Eco.System is carefully structured with Clerics, Insiders,
Malitia, Operatives, Thugs, Groupies, and what Lenin and Stalin called
Useful Idiots. Aritifically Scarce Network Resources (ASNR)
are used to control the Eco.System. Aging dictators control the
cartel, supported by people who attend meetings to "see famous
Elections are not viewed as desirable or possible in the Eco.System -
"The Wrong People Might Get Elected".

It is ironic, the Eco.System often claims credit for developments that
were done to protect USA consumers FROM the Eco.System.
Many USA Netizens work hard in normal business roles to AVOID the
Eco.System. The vast majority of USA Internet companies avoid the
The Eco.System attempts to co-opt key developments with their vast
war-chests of money. Some people succumb to the bribes.

ICANN-IANA and ISOC-IETF have systematically delayed and derailed
competion as they have grown their non-profit empire to billions of
and million dollar executive compensation packages. The lack of
Term-Limits has allowed individuals to become career Internet
Jaw-dropping compenstion packages and non-profit war chests of cash
reserves are used by the Eco.System players to dominate Internet
American citizens have been openly threatened with death by the
ISOC-IETF Thugs, who surround the IANA as a protection force.

Recently, the U.S. Government, via NTIA, has announced their intention
to distance themselves from the Legacy ICANN IANA ISOC Internet.
This Diplomatic move has confused many American consumers. Most
Americans are not aware of who runs their Internet and from where.
The ICANN-IANA ISOC leaders have recently openly joined with South
American leaders. Bases have also been opened in Turkey and Singaore.
The Eco.System Cartel claims to be "international" and immune from USA
laws and scrutiny.

The U.S. Congress has directed the NTIA to lead the construction of a
new Internet, called FirstNET. Federal funding is being allocated
to States that step forward to help. The State of Colorado has landed
the Technical Headquarters for FirstNet. The State of Virginia
has been selected to handle the FirstNet Administrative Headquarters.
FEMA Regions have been suggested for organizing FirstNet.

FirstNET does not serve all Netizens. A NEW USA Domestic Internet
(SecondNET) is still needed. Netizens in the USA need to rely on an
Internet they can trust. The State of ______________________ needs to
take the lead in the construction of a USA DOMESTIC Internet.
One plan calls for FOUR-State Regions, called SuperStates, to act as
the major Hubs for the USA SecondNET.

The State of _____________ would be combined with the States of
________________, __________________, ______________. Attached is a
of the SuperStates. Alaska and Hawaii will be handled separately, like
terratories such as Puerto Rico. The States of California, Michigan
and Texas are divided into two regions to balance the SuperState Regions.

Sixteen SuperStates would form the basic structure for the USA
DOMESTIC Internet. Since FirstNet plans to leverage existing network
facilities, FirstNET would be one of the first customers for the USA
DOMESTIC SecondNET. As a US Senator, you would automatically be
appointed as a leader of your respective SuperState.

By taking a leadership role, at this critical time, you and your State
can become part of the critical history of reliable, honest,
ethical, telecom and data services in the United States of America.
Your next steps would be to meet with your regional partners
and begin planning your own destiny. USA Technologists are ready to
supply the needed solutions.

The Citizens and Netizens of the State of _________________ are also
ready to help.

Joe Concerned Citizen
State of ____________

P.S. The ISOC IANA Eco.System is not going away. They are rapidly
moving away from the USA to International venues they can exploit.
They advocate splitting the Internet with their IPv6 technology. The
USA can protect itself with a unified solution.
The USA is a Republic, not a Democracy, and certainly not a
MultiStakeholder Street Gang. The Republic of States and SuperStates
collectively designing, building and operating a NEW USA Domestic
SecondNET will help to protect consumers and visitors to our

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