[Final draft for final comments] Letter to Pres. Rousseff Re: [bestbits] [governance] Dilma Rousseff's speech at UN

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Thu Sep 26 05:10:55 EDT 2013

Dear Joana and colleagues

Great work! Positive reinforcement goes a long way.

I have forwarded the letter to the IRP Coalition list as that 
constituency has a stake in this statement too.


On 26/09/2013 07:11, joy wrote:
> Hi Joana - this looks good: short, clear, and strong
> thanks all who have worked on this
> Joy
> On 26/09/2013 1:44 p.m., Joana Varon wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Please, find a reduced version below. We are closing the pad now to 
>> avoid more crazy joined editing processes. Thanks for all the 
>> contributions.
>> Let's receive final comments about very punctual changes or major 
>> disagreements and gaps until tomorrow (Thursday) 9:00 am (Brazilian 
>> time). Then collect endorsements through out the day.
>> *Deadline for signatures will be this Thursday night, let's say 
>> 22:00, also Brazilian time*. So Carlos can deliver it in hand to 
>> President Dilma. *
>> *
>> thanks once again,
>> joana
>> *Letter from**International C**ivil Society**Organizations****to 
>> President Dilma Rousseff in support of her **statement at **the 68th 
>> Session of the **UNGA *
>> Your Excellency,
>> We, the undersigned organizations and individuals from around the 
>> world, committed to the development of the Internetand its use for 
>> advancing social and economic justice, would like to express our 
>> strong support forthe statement delivered this week by your 
>> Excellency at the 68th Session ofthe United Nations General Assembly. 
>> We commend you for taking a leading roleon these issuesand would like to:
>> 1. Fully endorse the five principles enunciated on the occasion, in 
>> clear accordance with the Brazilian Internet Steering 
>> Committee/'/s//Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet.
>> 2. Stress the importance of the timely adoption of the Brazilian 
>> Draft Bill of Internet Rights (Marco Civil da Internet) in a way that 
>> upholds these principles.
>> 3. Commend the courage of Brazil in expressing disapproval and 
>> demanding explanations from the USA about the procedures of illegal 
>> interception of  information and data, framing it as a grave 
>> violation of human rights and of civil liberties
>> 4.//Reinforce our support for an extension into broader spheres of 
>> Internet Governance of theexperiences from theBrazilian 
>> multistakeholder model of Internet governance,ledby CGI.br, which 
>> comprises representatives from Government, Scientific and 
>> TechnologyCommunity,private sectorand Civil Society on an equal footing.
>> We express our deep appreciation for your serious commitment to 
>> social justice and development, of which an open, stable, and 
>> reliable Internet is a fundamental pillar.
>> Signatories:
>> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Diego Rafael Canabarro 
>> <diegocanabarro at gmail.com <mailto:diegocanabarro at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Ian is helping Joanna and me in drafting this reduced optimal
>>     version. : )
>>     On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Suresh Ramasubramanian
>>     <suresh at hserus.net <mailto:suresh at hserus.net>> wrote:
>>         Agree. Stick to the first paragraph and we are all set.
>>         --srs (htc one x)
>>         On 26 September 2013 6:14:04 AM "Louis Pouzin (well)" wrote:
>>>         Agree with Ian. This parag is all that matters.
>>>         Louis
>>>         - - -
>>>         On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:03 AM, Ian Peter
>>>         <ian.peter at ianpeter.com <mailto:ian.peter at ianpeter.com>> wrote:
>>>             Ive just looked again at this and it is getting longer
>>>             and at the same time worse.
>>>             I think it needs a very substantial edit. Any more than
>>>             two paragraphs and the chance of it being read is meagre.
>>>             To be honest, I think no more than this is necessary. --
>>>             the first paragraph
>>>             We, the undersigned organizations and individuals from
>>>             around the world, committed to the development of the
>>>             Internetand its use for advancing social justice, would
>>>             like to express our strong supportforthe statement
>>>             delivered this week by yourExcellencyat the 68th Session
>>>             ofthe United Nations General Assembly.
>>>             (reference the speech if you wish for those who would
>>>             like to read more, but dont repeat it, interpret it, and
>>>             elaborate on it).
>>>             And specifically I dont think we need to talk post
>>>             Snowden, and demand apologies from the USA. That ain't
>>>             going to happen.
>>>             Ian Peter
>>         ____________________________________________________________
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>>     -- 
>>     Diego R. Canabarro
>>     http://lattes.cnpq.br/4980585945314597
>>     --
>>     diego.canabarro [at] ufrgs.br <http://ufrgs.br>
>>     diego [at] pubpol.umass.edu <http://pubpol.umass.edu>
>>     MSN: diegocanabarro [at] gmail.com <http://gmail.com>
>>     Skype: diegocanabarro
>>     Cell # +55-51-9244-3425 <tel:%2B55-51-9244-3425> (Brasil) /
>>     +1-413-362-0133 <tel:%2B1-413-362-0133> (USA)
>>     --
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>>     For all other list information and functions, see:
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>>     To edit your profile and to find the IGC's charter, see:
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>>     Translate this email: http://translate.google.com/translate_t
>> -- 
>> -- 
>> Joana Varon Ferraz
>> @joana_varon
>> PGP 0x016B8E73

Dr Marianne Franklin
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
Co-Chair Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (UN IGF)
Goldsmiths, University of London
Dept. of Media & Communications
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 20 7919 7072
<m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>

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