[bestbits] [Meeting Report]: friday meeting with fadi et all

michael gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 23:44:54 EDT 2013

Thanks for this Joana, it is useful but for me at least it raises more
questions than it answers.


I think that there is a need for some sort of continuing regular voice
communiation where there can be queries and answers as they arise.


Does anyone have access to a teleconferencing voice bridge (do we need
something like that) and could we start to schedule a regular (once every
two weeks?) teleconference. Time zones of course will be a problem but if we
rotate the hosting so that everyone gets there chance to be getting up at 3
am : ) perhaps it might work.




From: bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net
[mailto:bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net] On Behalf Of Joana Varon
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 7:15 PM
To: &lt,bestbits at lists.bestbits.net&gt,
Subject: [bestbits] [Meeting Report]: friday meeting with fadi et all


Dear people, 


Please, find attached the report that Laura and I have prepared about the
meeting of the "coalition/dialogue" (it doesnt has a name yet) that happened
last friday, as a result of the meeting with civil society and Fadi on
Thursday. Dear Carlos, please, feel free to add any further consideration. 

Sorry for being late with this, but since Bestbits server was down, in
debates with BestBits steering committee and others colleagues, we have been
trying to sort out what is the best way to report about that meeting and the
one with the Brazilian delegation. 

As there is some time sensitiveness, the report of the meeting with Fadi et
all will be posted here, but this is what we found more suitable and will be
important for the next reports and steps:

*	We need to come to an arrangement that strikes the right balance
between being inclusive and strategic as civil society, for example
reporting back on the main list, but strategizing on closed lists or
offlist. Draft working procedures on the wiki reflect your concerns
relatively well. But will attempt to integrate specific comments on those
procedures once the server is back up.

My view, and this is my personal view trying to address the concerns raised
during BB meeting, is that the closed list for civil society will use the
widest concept of civil society, or a definition by exclusion, meaning that
all the people in bestbits list that are not strictly government or private
sector will be included. Problems that might come out will be addressed as
they show up, taking into account the goals of besbits. I do think it will
be the only way forward to coordinate all the work we will have in the next
months in a strategic manner concerning both the Brazilian Summit and our
engagement with the coalition/dialogue. If any one have a major opposition
to it, please, let us know. 

Otherwise, let's start debating the engagement with this coalition/dialogue
in a closed list?

All the best, 











Joana Varon Ferraz
PGP 0x016B8E73

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