[governance] [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on Internet governance in 2014

Mishi Choudhary mishi at softwarefreedom.org
Fri Oct 18 16:17:39 EDT 2013

This statement still concentrates on ICANN-like functions: DNS and IP
address assignment, no matter the desire for a  platform to discuss 'orphan issues".  

Those (ICANN like functions) are the life blood of this form of
"Internet governance," but they're trivia to the users of the world,
who want substantive rights that no non-governmental organization with
headquarters in Los Angeles and two other places can
provide or is this the usual problem of existing organizations taking themselves or their relevance
seriously and not taking the people who make and use the Net---not
the people who run the routers and those who like to believe
they regulate those who run the routers---seriously at all?

Question: Can this multi-stakeholder (whatever it is, as we are still discussing that) make rules that
subject listeners to the rule of law at home, and prohibit the massive
monitoring of other peoples' societies abroad?  

Question: Can this multi-stakeholder (organization/network) impose all ports,
all services neutrality on network operators so corruptly in bed with
governments around the world that no one knows how to tease out all
the criminal connections?  

Question: Can this multi-stakeholder  decide whether
"sharing services" are allowed to use monitoring technology that makes
supposedly private sharing the material for "customized advertising"
and "personal endorsement"?  Is fairness regulation in the economies
of the world irrelevant to the future of the Net, or are
"multi-stakeholder" organizations going to get more regulatory power
than national governments are presently prepared to exercise on behalf
of their citizens?

Question: How are these multi-stakeholder organizations planning to
deal with governments that refuse to accept their decisions?  Is a
future ICANN going to manufacture its own blue helmets, and send them
into Saudi Arabia or China?

Conclusion: Isn't this really a bunch of statements from increasingly threatened current structures designed to make
users of the Net think that somebody is looking out for their
fundamental rights and collective economic interests, when in fact the
spying, data-mining and pillaging is going to go smoothly on precisely
as usual?

Warm Regards
Mishi Choudhary, Esq.
Director-International Practice
Software Freedom Law Center
1995 Broadway Floor 17
New York, NY-10023
(tel) 212-461-1912
(fax) 212-580-0898

Executive Director 
K-9, Second Floor
Jangpura Extn.
New Delhi-110014
(tel) +91-11-43587126 
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