[bestbits] [Follow up of the previous report] Summary I*coalition/dialogue debates

joy joy at apc.org
Mon Nov 4 22:02:06 EST 2013

thanks for the update Carolina - very useful.
On the concepts and process requirements: this needs more work currently
ranging from very highlevel to practical (not a bad thing per se) but
just to get the mix right for a concept note.  I think item 5 is very
important and addresses some concerns about process (though probably not
all).  perhaps worth clarifying what happens where various stakeholder
groups do not agree (ie presumably consensus is needed).
I think a google or other shared doc for the DIGE document would be
helpful. Good to see reference to the best bits statement there. I
suspect the problem definition will be hardest to agree on.
i still believe having a separate line of communication with the Brazil
government is important and is a unique role for Brazil civil society
orgs and one of critical value for those without Portugese language.
Best and thanks again for your work on this


On 5/11/2013 5:47 a.m., Carolina Rossini wrote:
> Michael et al,
> Just want to report back on the activities on the i-coordination list,
> as asked by Michael. 
> Some of those on the "i-coordination" list are setting November 11th
> as the deadline to publish this concept note. Others think this
> deadline should not be the real one to pressure this group to publish
> the statement. 
> For instance, Joseph Alhadeff, from Oracle,  is calling for the group
> to set a process, before 
> moving on content proposals. I attach his proposal that has been
> circulated one hour 
> ago. Nobody has replied yet. 
> Joana is on vacation currently - but she is checking emails from time
> to time. I think Laura is 
> coming back from vacation now and CA is coming back from the LACNIC
> meeting 
> and may have more news. 
> The Brazilian government has not yet reached to us, but we have sent a
> short 
> follow-up asking how things are moving and if we should set a call or
> something. 
> So, no news on that front. 
> Folks who do not have english as theirs first language prefer
> coalition to dialogue, so that is a 
> third avenue of debate in that list.
> Nobody on that list has specific comment on the suggestions we have
> sent them so far. (the general 
> ones Joana pointed in her first email).
> So, I am reaching out to check if this group as new and specific
> comments to both documents.
> We could set a date for comments and I consolidate what we get in this
> list and send back to them. 
> Would that work? Does anybody else have another suggestion?
> Should we move this forward in parallel to the representativeness
> discussion?
> I put my name forward to stay in a liaison position both on the side
> of the Br government
> as on the side of the iStart coalition/dialogue if we wish to continue
> on that front.
> I attach a version of the "DIGE" document with some quick suggestions
> I've made. 
> Should I put this document in a google drive, in order to collect your
> comments/suggestions? 
> How could we best deal with this editing process?
> Looking forward to your comments and suggestions,
> Best,
> Carolina
> On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 2:24 PM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com
> <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Joana and all,
>     Please note that this following clause from the statement you
>     forwarded, is highly exclusive depending on how/who is
>     interpreting it… This needs to be further clarified, defined or
>     eliminated IMHO.
>     /Contributors to the Dialogue believe that Internet Governance is
>     best done through multi-stakeholder means - that is, in ways which
>     incorporate the views, and seek the agreement, _of all those
>     involved in the evolution and development of the Internet_/
>     /_ _/
>     M
>     *From:*bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net
>     <mailto:bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net>
>     [mailto:bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net
>     <mailto:bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net>] *On Behalf Of *Joana
>     Varon
>     *Sent:* Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:34 AM
>     *To:* &lt,bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
>     <mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>&gt,
>     *Subject:* [bestbits] [Follow up of the previous report] Summary
>     I*coalition/dialogue debates
>     Dear all,
>     Hi.
>     While the debate about the process for using an open or closed BB
>     list still remains, please, find below a summary about what has
>     been going on in the very closed list that was created after the
>     Friday meeting with Fadi and I* representatives, which I have
>     reported a few days ago. Carlos, Carolina and Laura, please, feel
>     free to add other points. Also, there are others BB subscribers
>     that are also in the coalition/dialogue list that may want to
>     weigh in.
>     I should remind you that Carlos Afonso and Laura Tresca and I went
>     to that meeting as it was supposed to debate the Brazilian Summit.
>     And since the meeting with the Brazilian government in the IGF,
>     the three of us, plus Carolina Rossini, were indicated as liaisons
>     to help facilitate civil society participation in the event.
>     Nevertheless, as you could read in the report, that meeting took a
>     different direction and was focused on building the "coalition".
>     So, in the near future, we should probably re-address the issue of
>     representatives, and the possibility of broadening CS
>     participation beyond Brazilians if we choose to continue to engage.
>     *Summary*
>     After the meeting, held on Oct, 25^th ,a closed mailing list
>     (i-coordination at nro.net <mailto:i-coordination at nro.net>) has been
>     created for the drafting the concept note and debating the name of
>     the coalition. Besides the four of us, it comprises the following
>     organizations/companies: ICC, Oracle, verizon, cisco, cra, auda,
>     internetnz (2), eurid, lacnic, apnic, afrinic (2), icann (2), arin
>     (2), piuha, google, sidn, isoc.
>     1) First days of the list were taken by debates about the name and
>     the difference of coalition and dialogue. As dialogue is less
>     binding, the term "coalition" was dropped. Current proposed name
>     is: 1net | An Open dialogue for the Evolution of Internet Governance
>     2) More important: A draft of a concept note (attached) was sent
>     by Adiel, from Afrinic. As it was sent in the same email about the
>     name, people got mostly focused in the name. The only comments
>     received are marked in the attachment as well.
>     Carolina and I have raised the point that so far there are no
>     government or representatives involved in the coalition/dialogue
>     to any extent. I've also sent comments regarding the fact that the
>     upcoming events were only events from the technical communities
>     and there is no language on human rights in the text, just on
>     business and innovation. No replies here received on these issues
>     whatsoever, but the drafting is just starting and is open for our
>     inputs.
>     3) Much more important: Nevertheless, things seams to move fast.
>     Today a thread was initiated proposing to accelerate the creation
>     of an interim steering committee (about20 people, as far as I
>     understood, the same as who were at the Friday meeting) which will
>     then liaise with their respective "stakeholder" groups. Quoting
>     the admin of the list, the reason was that the list is "receiving
>     every day requests to add new people (specially from business
>     community)" and the proposal was to "create a clear demarcation
>     between the large group of people ready to engage into the
>     dialogue and a subset of it that will facilitate and coordinate
>     the whole process."
>     It seams the drafting group is escalating to a steering committee
>     which raises questions about the composition of the group (until
>     now there is no balance in terms of number of representatives from
>     each stakeholder group). This proposal got 3 agreements and one
>     point raised by oracle about representativeness.
>     In face of this, I think we have three fundamental questions:
>     >> Do we want to engage with the coalition/dialogue?
>     >> Could this initiative be perceived as a counter-weight to the
>     Brazilian summit? ( There is no governments or international
>     organizations in the concept note. Carolina and I made that point
>     a few days ago, but it was not heard until now)
>     >> If we decide to engage, what do we want out of this process? How?
>     Hope it's useful and addresses some doubts that came up in our
>     previous thread about the first report. Another report, about our
>     the meeting with the Brazilian gov is coming soon.
>     If we engage with this we will have two tracks to interact with:
>     a) one regarding the Summit  and the exchange of ideas with the
>     Brazilian government) + the other trying to reach a common ground
>     with the Dialogue. Sounds complicated if we don't use our
>     diversity in a kindly and comprehensive way.
>     all the best
>     joana
>     -- 
>     -- 
>     Joana Varon Ferraz
>     @joana_varon
>     PGP 0x016B8E73
>     ____________________________________________________________
>     You received this message as a subscriber on the list:
>          bestbits at lists.bestbits.net <mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>.
>     To unsubscribe or change your settings, visit:
>          http://lists.bestbits.net/wws/info/bestbits
> -- 
> *Carolina Rossini* 
> /Project Director, Latin America Resource Center/
> Open Technology Institute
> *New America Foundation*
> //
> http://carolinarossini.net/
> + 1 6176979389
> *carolina.rossini at gmail.com <mailto:carolina.rossini at gmail.com>*
> skype: carolrossini
> @carolinarossini

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