[bestbits] Re: [Rigf_discuss] Fwd: [Rigf_program] Fwd: [ALAC-Internal] Fwd: [NCSG-Discuss] [Brazil] NCSG representatives for civil society participation on High Level Meeting in London

Jeremy Malcolm jeremy at ciroap.org
Fri Nov 29 01:44:01 EST 2013

On 29/11/13 14:11, Yannis Li wrote:
> On 28/11/2013 10:00, Sally Costerton wrote:
> > Olivier
> > Just picked this up and I need to correct this. The request from
> > Fadi/Adiel is for two contributors from civil society to serve on the
> > Brazil Meeting Steering Committee which will be one of the four groups
> > that were announced by CGI on Tuesday that will organize the meeting
> > in Brazil next year.  This request came from Adiel on the 1net
> > coordination list and this is the one that has a deadline attached.
> >
> > The meeting in London on Dec 12 and 13 is different. It is a meeting
> > of the Panel members already announced last week and Chaired by Vint
> > Cerf and President Thomas Ilves.
> I see that people are mixing the two issues -- and indeed, based on the
> second hand information on the list, I was also mixing the two issues.
> So as you can read: there is NO additional search for the meeting on Dec
> 12 & 13 according to Sally Costerton.

This is a misunderstanding by Sally, then. :-)  We are putting forward
names for the December 12 and 13 meeting not main in response to Fadi's
suggestion, but rather because it is our expectation that the High Level
Panel should be balanced as between the stakeholder groups, and as such
we are entitled to be more evenly represented on the High Level Panel
than we are now, with representatives whom we, rather than ICANN, choose.

> On the issue of the request from Fadi/Adiel for two contributors from
> civil society to serve on the Brazil Meeting Steering Committee, this
> request was made on the 1net coordination list so this is not something
> asked from the NCSG exclusively.

Agreed that that is a separate and equally important issue, and a
separate point that have made is that despite claims to the contrary, it
is now clear that 1net is not to be coordinating stakeholder
representation for the Brazil meeting.  So we will not be nominating
people in response to any call that 1net makes, but rather liaising
directly with the Brazilian organisers in this regard.


*Dr Jeremy Malcolm
Senior Policy Officer
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