[bestbits] Last day of WTPF - drafting concluding statement

michael gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Thu May 16 09:34:40 EDT 2013

As I've mentioned in earlier emails, I had problems with the earlier
document and might have been interested in making sympathetic additions to
this one but as it was, the invitation to contribute was apparently only for
the form. And I'm wondering why those of us not in attendance were presented
with a more or less complete document 40 minutes or less before it needed to
be presented and particularly after some comments had already been made
concerning the inability to participate in the earlier process. 


I would have thought given the concerns expressed that those moving this
forward would have at least attempted at a broader base of inclusion for
this latter instance.





From: bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net
[mailto:bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net] On Behalf Of Nnenna Nwakanma
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 6:07 AM
To: michael gurstein
Cc: Avri Doria; bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
Subject: Re: [bestbits] Last day of WTPF - drafting concluding statement


Dear Michael

You were not the only one:

1.	Who made comments
2.	Who may have suggested edits
3.	Who was denied access at the beginning of plenary
4.	Who got an invite after lunch (30-40 minutes before plenary)

I was not in the original drafting committee because I am only participating

The difference might have been that I have been closely following and most
of the views DO EMBODY already known and agreed principles.





On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 12:58 PM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>

So, if you are going to deny access when a comment is made, close off
discussion, and provide no response to a comment... Why bother to send the
invitation at all... there being roughly 40 minutes from the invitation
going out to my being denied further access to comment (I didn't make any
intervention into the text... my comment being an attempt to get further
context prior to attempting to make a comment in the text itself...


-----Original Message-----
From: bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net
[mailto:bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net] On Behalf Of Avri Doria
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 5:47 AM
To: bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
Subject: RE: [bestbits] Last day of WTPF - drafting concluding statement

The document was closed to all who had been working at a point so that it
would not be in flux as we entered the meeting.

michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:

>Interesting. I just followed up on Jeremy's invitation. made a comment.
>was subsequently tossed out of the discussion and am now denied access
>to making any further comments. Any explanation for this?
Avri Doria


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