[IRPCoalition] [bestbits] Re: CS statement: DNI releases Fact Sheet on PRISM, but the damage is already done

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Tue Jun 11 17:40:21 EDT 2013

Deborah Brown <deborah at accessnow.org> wrote:

> In particular it would be good to have
> Geneva-based people and those with experience in advocacy at the HRC
> involved, but of course all are welcome.

I'd appreciate if I could be kept Cc'd please. I'm not right now able
to make any significant time commitments, and I'm also not directly
based in Geneva, but close enough that day trips to Geneva are feasible
and affordable.

(in CH-8624 GrĂ¼t, in the Zurich Highlands area of Switzerland)

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